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Everything posted by RossP

  1. For those who might not stray from this forum much, Small Enclosed Area have finally finished recording their new ep, are making a start to artwork, and are hoping to get it out June time. Track listing: 1/ Bomb Alaska 2/ A Taste of India 3/Hero Journey 4/ *Untitled at the moment* should have a name soon We're playing our first aberdeen gig in about 6months on Friday 26th March at Moshulu supporting the wonderful Christiansen and Hiding with Girls, hope to see you all there
  2. with enough notice small enclosed area would love to do it. www.smallenclosedarea.com for more info or smallenclosedarea@hotmail.com
  3. they are such a great band, i was at that Nov.2002 gig and they rocked like a mofo. I'd suggest Fickle Public or TGF for a support along with X-certs
  4. Is it just me or are the Strokes starting to sound like Interpol?? Of course Strokes will never be as good as them, or look as snazzy in suits. Little known fact: Interpol played Elgin about 10years ago, back when i was a little whippersnapper
  5. T'was so so good!! We had balcony seats, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Great view, got to put our feet up, and easy access to lager and toilets. Stuga has got a bootleg dvd of them playing in Canada earlier this year, and its the exact same set song for song, so we can pretend its the Glasgow. Explosions in the Sky a week after as well, such a good week. Apart from the getting dumped by my girlfriend a couple of days before Valentines day, that was shit. Ach well, Fudge Awards next week, yay!!
  6. Explosions were incredible. Rounded off a brilliant week, having seen APC the friday before. Bikini Atoll had some ace songs, but also had some really pap ones in my opinion. Funktree were a very poor version of the Eagles in my opinion. Terrible lyrics too, "last train home from Translvania" for example. Got totally hammered afterwards and bought a doner kebab pizza
  7. Just noticed this whole video thing we need to provide for the Fudge Awards. A'body in the band who bide in Aberdeen have had exams for the last 2 weeks so we haven't had the chance to check the net, so i'll pop some video footage into HJBs today (wed) lunchtime, sorry for the lateness/inconvenience Small Enclosed Area -x-
  8. yay!! can't wait!! Explosions in the sky the week afterwards in drummonds too. rock.
  9. here is our website http://members.lycos.co.uk/prendagast/ We have the band history, which is quite long. so here is a squeezed down version. Martin Prendagast was created Jan 2003 (so this gig will be our 1 year anniversary), we actually went into the recording studio to record an album the day of the conception, with not even one practice. The members consist of Euan Reid (vox + Guitar), Dave McLeod (Drums + Vox, ex-Film28*), RossP (Bass, current Small Enclosed Area member + ex-Film 28* member), Marshall ( Guitar, SEA member), Tom (vox, ex-Film28*), Colin(vox) i'll add some more info in an hour, gotta run up town to the bank and here it is..... Many of the songs featured on the debut album had been written by Euan, Dave, + Ross in a band they were in when they were 14. (we're all 20 now) The others were written in the car journey from Elgin to Aberdeen on the day of the recording. Once recorded, the cd shifted a couple of hundred copies through word of mouth, all this before even playing a gig. There has been two gigs in Forres in the last 6months, both near sellouts. We expect Drakes to be sold out for this one too. Music style could be described as band with simple sing-along rock epics, crowd interaction, and a healthy dose of immaturity. If you need any other info give us a buzz.
  10. Hey there, its Marshall logged on as Ross P. I phoned the flat this morning but noone answered. Left a message and it was a YES! Sorry it took so long to reply but everyone is lazy and drunk And this is the third time Ive typed this as it wont let me log on as me. Curses! Anyway yes! Martin Prendagast will play Tis Marshall
  11. aye should be alright, i'm seeing the rest of the guys this weekend so i'll let u know as soon as i do. ta muchly. P.S spelled Martin Prendagast
  12. good call, i don't think it would be wise to put the gig on during the scotland game. Well, just give me a buzz with a free date, wednesdays would be a little hard as marshall works then, but with enough notice, it should be makeable. sats are easy for us. Cheers Bri.
  13. dropped a martin prendagast cd into drakes for your opinion yesterday. give us a buzz if u want us
  14. ehh........could i be a pest?? (check the wed 12th nov post)
  15. aww crapp!!! Marshall cant get out of work on the wed 12th. as SEA are going on English tour in Nov. his work is being stingy. But......... we can play the sat 8th Fudge frenzy if thats any use. As its a weekend, a bus will be organised from Elgin- i can 75% assure that, as it was done for a sat gig in forres, extra 15 or so people on top of the 40 odd. whadya think?
  16. 3 out of the 4 members of gloria flaw live in aberdeen. surely a lot of the bands listed have even less aberdeen members than this, just cause they were born and raised in Forres- its not their fault!! We all know Fickle Public are going to win the International band award so i think we should just announce that one just now. Deservabley too as they are ace
  17. err..... (not my choice by the way) .......Martin Prendagast and the Raped Cunts. we're not as metal as the name suggests tho. We've been advertised as just "Martin Prendagast" in moray before to save offence, so that'll probably be safer. We are pretty tight, with fairly basic structured songs, but with a lot of humour and intelligence thrown in. Not joking about the 40 odd extra people, its a bit of a cult band in moray, there'll be a big crowd!! I'll be at Drakes on sunday for Nero so i'll see if i can drop in a cd
  18. alternatively check out www.mp3.com/martin_prendagast for a 1 track downloadable mp3 to get an idea
  19. ehh................well....................i know a band which is a guaranteed crowd puller, and haven't played aberdeen before and consists of 2 members of SEA and a couple of other Elgin guys. Its just a question of if u'd want to put them on. since they are a bit vulgar, not offensive vulgar, just immature vulgar. But it'll guarantee at the very least an extra 40 or so mates and mates of mates of them who don't go to gigs normally. They've actually pulled a bigger crowd than SEA in the likes of Forres and Elgin dude to a surprising cult status. What do u think, if u need a demo i can drop in to drakes an 8 track cd we recorded in the summer
  20. nope, pay your poundage at the door 4 sterling
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