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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. belle and sebastian - a summer wasting
  2. taking back sunday - you're so last summer
  3. i never knew such a thing existed. BUT JESUS.. what a stupid concept. (the liveWRONG bands, not the livestrong ones. obvioulsy)
  4. wouldn't that then make cloud a goth in denial? i mean.. LOOK at him.. such a goth
  5. blood brothers - love rhymes with hideous car wreck
  6. hmm. that means that the majority of this board will be joining you in hell & YOU'LL HAVE TO LISTEN TO MY PLAYLIST see you soon.
  7. I don't know, but it's POWER SNOWING! \m/ hahah.. ahhh...
  8. hurrah.. not the type of thing i'd *usually* listen to (i went from listening to the faint, to that song heh ) but i shall definitely be watching you guys. if not for the music then for the banter ;D
  9. how do you know you're going to hell? :O
  10. i tend to be a bit guilty of being close-minded about music which really isn't that good. ha. generally i tend to stay for the entire gig because i paid to get in initially. i.e the moorings next saturday - YES I SHALL BE STAYING TO WATCH SPD, HOG obviously that's because i love you, not because i happen to be going to the moorings anyway...
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