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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. psh!! mark' date=' you're a grown man. you don't [i']need a diet the belmont chipper do amazing chips.
  2. i did that last year.. my friends took ages to tell me whther they were going or not and on the day they told me, it had sold out. so i had to shell out 200 on ebay buuuuut the strokes.. the saturday lineup doesn't look too special. the sunday lineup however.. oh yes.
  3. eeeee. oh man. i'm pretty tempted to go now. *signs up for mailing list*
  4. wtf? someone gave me a negative scene point for saying i was going. LOLZ!
  5. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm Something Corporate - Leaving Through the Window Eighteen Visions - obsession Idlewild - Warnings/Promises Lostprophets - Start Something Bright Eyes - Lifted etc etc Pretty Girls Make Graves - The New Romance
  6. money batteries bits of jewellery forms (of the paper veriety) keys (all the BLOODY time. i've lost about three house keys in the last year. gah)
  7. oh my. that is rather cool. looks like a lino cutting i did in art once
  8. oooo, good choice of support band. this would be quite an interesting gig to see (y)
  9. ...i want a big boat and lots of money and a creme egg mcflurry. i didn't get any of them.
  10. ..as have My Chemical Romance. Head Automatica are also rumoured to be playing! I think that kind of sorts out where I'll be heading for this year 8)
  11. wrong forum. this should be in the music discussion
  12. someone gave me one not long ago. i thought it was a glitch at first. haha
  13. nothing very exciting; dee, dawnerz, dawni0 (with the 0 at the end, yes, it was an msn thing)
  14. shall be in attendance at the aberdeen gig (y)
  15. i also decided that i quite like track 9 - el captain. yep
  16. What does everyone think of it? i got it today & to be honest I'm not that impressed. It's too acousticy. Some acoustic is good, but it's just like a completely different direction for Idlewild. Some more crazy trakcs (From the Hope is Important/100 Broken Windows era) would have been good. Saying that, I want A Warning is quite a good track. Opinions?
  17. popworld makes me a happy girlie. very happy, in fact. and simon is a ledgend.
  18. you posted a naked pic of avril? WHERE? I.. uh.. mean.. yeah...
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