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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. the anchor spreadable advert fills me with joy
  2. we did this blood transfusion talk in sixth year pse and the woman got as far as the first slide and i passed out. wuss.
  3. i'm a retard. i opened it. *smacks forehead*
  4. i gave her a bob the builder card. that was as far as i got. i'm disorganised, okay?
  5. whatever you do, don't take photos
  6. hehehe, possibly. i don't think i'll EVER stop talking about them though
  7. asian dub foundation scared me slightly. i'm REALLY tempted to pre-order some weezer tickets but no one wants to come with me
  8. nothing beats a good ol' crisp sandwich. alternatively, cheese and onion.
  9. in joke, like i said. it just seems that everything i post you always seem to have to have some sort of sneaky dig at me. anyway, this has nothing to do with the thread so i'm not going to go on about it anymore.
  10. **Five finger discount are supporting** ahem, end of promotion
  11. if i liked coffee i'd be in heaven!... as it stands, i don't, so i'm not.
  12. i can actually imagine you quite suiting glasses, hog. glasses are for winners anyhoo
  13. wipeout.. even though it wouldn't be the same without bob monkhouse. maybe even someone off these boards could present it...
  14. i went through a scratch card phase when i was 16. it ran away with all my money. i've been clean for nearly two years now. addicting? apple pie yoghurts (hence the thread), cheesey pop music and pringles. it's true; once you pop you can't stop *sigh*
  15. it's just addictive being said slowly. and with dots. it's all about the dots
  16. yeah - it'd be a sad, sad day when i agree with the nme. oh wait...
  17. nothing wrong with a cross between the killers and the strokes and some electronic goodness thrown in there for good measure (y)
  18. has anyone else tried them? the best thing next to cream egg mcflurries. god bless muller light.
  19. well, people have got to pick on *someone* only kidding as for the game - one word: A.D.D.I.C.T.I.V.E
  20. i like the bravery, although i didn't realise [until the other day] that they were american. not that it makes a difference, of course, but i just asumed they were british. yeah, sucks to be me
  21. that was an 'in joke' between me and another member on here.there was never actually a real orgy. why are you always so determined to have a go at me anyway?
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