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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. ok, i was agreeing with you? it annoys me because it's like they're doing it 'for the image'. i have a friend who's straight edge. she's only that way because her mother was an alcoholic. she doesn't go round broadcasting it all over her livejournal/faceparty. i know a fair handful of people who have I'M STRAIGHT EDGE OMG LOOK AT ME profiles. and it's like "fuck off and die, kthx" yeah, i'm sorry if i'm offesnive. i don't mind straight edge people. not at all in fact. i'm trying to cut back on drinking myself simply because it's bad for me, i just find it annoying when people broadcast it to the world.
  2. DAMMIT i missed this. i do have resepct for people who are straight edge, like grant said, but i just don't like those who go around going "i'm sXe" all over their faceparty/facewhore/myspace profiles. those people can fuck off and die.
  3. being unemployed and not in education depresses me a great deal. i shouldn't bitch, because it was my own fault that i left school and didn't have a job or a college placement but i've tried to get a job pretty much everywhere. pleaces aren't a fan of pink streaks and bleach blonde hair it seems..
  4. actually, i have to agree with hog here - i didn't like it that much either. there must be something wrong with me.
  5. i smell elitism oh oh oh oh oh
  6. I've printed off a few copies of my CV to hand into various places but they also said to include a covering letter. Is a covering letter the same as a personal statement? Please help!
  7. the fact thom looks about twelve makes it funny so awful? well, it was made in the early nineties..
  8. yeah. it's weird too. all radiohead videos are pretty weird though. but the song's good so it's okay (y)
  9. ^ agreed. it makes me want to hide. oh yeah and easyworld - bleach
  10. sic transit gloria - brand new
  11. more often than not it complicates things... hah. a few of my friends have got into 'livejournal spats' because one wrote one thing, someone took it the wrong way, and before you know it you have about 50 nasty comments too and fro. but yeah, basically what kate said, sometimes people just don't feel comfortable with others knowing pretty much everything about them. i know i don't. which is why i don't post the link to my journal
  12. but it's nowhere near as good as see through this and leave. i was actually quite disappointed by the second album..
  13. the needles are great the end. pity i missed them though
  14. i ate pizza. and cake. and we locked my brother in a cupboard. and watched films. good days...
  15. let's all see what you have then. mine:
  16. i have a livejournal and a myspace.
  17. the singer looks like johnny borrell and therefore i like them. uhh. their music isn't bad either.. yes - before ANYONE says ANYTHING - i am shallow. so shoot me.
  18. wah, news to me. would be interesting to see..
  19. nada surf - 80 windows brand new - seventy times seven biffy clyro - 27 head automatica - disco hades 2 radiohead - 2+2=5 lostprophets - a million miles the strokes - 12:51 there probably are more but that's all i can think of right now
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