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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. he goes to ellon. they don't teach you anything except how to survive in the wilderness.
  2. yes it is. 1 may at the music hall
  3. depending on the support i may be there. the chances of rival schools supporting again are extremely unlikely but it would be a fantastic gig if they did.
  4. i couldn't be bothered to reply to all of them going "fuck off and die" only this one.
  5. this topic's been done to death. fact.
  6. i know someone who is looking for a standing ticket.. although they don't have a seating ticket, but could buy it off you for face value..? dunno if that's of any use, but let me know
  7. holy fuck that's cary. mnehhhhhhrghhhh, um idlewild. aye.
  8. haha surely it's a matter of preference? IT'S AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD. it's not a life or death situation and the scene points aren't meant to be taking seriously. besides, a lot of people [myself included] like sucking up.
  9. crisp sandwhiches are good. cheese too. mmm..
  10. yeah' date=' like [i']that wasn't fixed
  11. that's a good thing. have a scene point (like a cookie, but better)
  12. tis a bit of a shite film it has to be said..
  13. nah, because the majority of people on here are AlTeRnAtIvE As FuCk
  14. i tend to find the moshulu bouncers sarky gits. i don't know what others' experience is with them. it may just be me. i wanna be a bouncer. i'd make a good bouncer. yahrrrrr
  15. my oh my. i saw two songs of ghostride. didn't really enjoy them much so i went away to speak to my friends at the back. hifh - amazing. can't say a bad thing about this band. i didn't get a chance to see them at moshulu last year, but i was pretty near the front for them last night and it was awesome biffy clyro - i don't think words can express how much i love this band. to be fair, they were better at the forum/moshulu last year, but that's probably only because the venues were more intimate. last night was good though. although it would have made my night had they played 27. but they played 57 and glitter and trauma so I'M HAPPY
  16. still, i'm glad i got a ticket for my birthday. sucks to be my friends right now
  17. omf, i might finally see you tonight, psydoll ;D
  18. i can't decide if i like them or not. the singer has an annoying voice and they sound a bit generic indie rock. but i like generic indie rock, so that's okay. this reply has absoloutely no point.
  19. noooo looks like it'll be another gig i'll be going to on my own..
  20. i was supposed to be boxing stuff up for moving house. but i got out of it so HA- i can go now =D
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