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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. heavy metal/goth metal/romantic metal/whatever. y'know the stuff.. and rap. but someone out there likes these genres obviously..
  2. i got all excited there cos i thought you meant a band who were around a couple of years ago called halo who were absoloutely FANTASTIC. they never got in the charts, and had one album which was a bit of a flop (but it was amazing) and no one saw them again after that. no one'll know what i'm on about so i'll go away now
  3. okay, first of all, calum, it has to be said that you like some decent music (alkaline ttrio, my chemical romance, weezer, jetplane landing) and also, i noticed that you're 14. shit, when i was 14 i was just as angry as you are (not an insult, just saying that you seem pretty pissed off with a lot of people on here) but it doesn't matter WHERE you go or WHAT you listen to, you'll nearly always be branded as a sell out/mainstream
  4. laWl this thread makes me laugh. there are a lot of jumped up little fuckwits out there
  5. I saw Cloud in Henry J's on Saturday. I stole his gloves. He has small hands. That is all.
  6. I'm judging by the amount of 'compared to Sunday..' commentes, Alexisonfire didn't go down too well:p The 44s = AWESOME AS EVER Twofold = Nae too bad. Sound a bit like generic emo, but pretty decent Capdown = orgasmic. Had a good ol' skank with them with Salty. Was most fun
  7. lots and lots of cheese for meeeee. pineapple on pizza is WRONG.
  8. Yahr. this guy (girl?) has got it right (y)
  9. 2004 in a nutshell: * Held/attended/participated in THE ORGY. only one person off here will know what I'm on about * Drank my way through my Highers * Only passed two of afore mentioned exams * Went to a lot of gigs * Amazingness to T in the Park this year * Made v. good friends with ScottDiscount * Left my job (Bakers Oven) * Fell out with everyone at school * Stopped smoking * Got obsessed with some RIGHT fannies * Fell over numerous times * THE END
  10. to be honest you can't really compare the heating habits of humans to animals. animals have completely different digesting systems to us. meat is not absoloutely esential in our diets as we can gain protein & other nutrients from soya-based food. and yeah, i'm a vegetarian
  11. hmmm.. i could think of a lot of better bands to headline t in the park, but it is probably fairly likely that they will play/headline
  12. i love it because it gives me an excuse to eat too much, drink too much and spend too much. oh and the tinsel. you have to love the tinsel. unless it's that cheapo stuff which makes you itch (NOT that i wear tinsel of anything..) but it means that january is soon. and january is the most depressing month of the year. humbuggery
  13. 90% of Taking Back Sunday fans own a studded belt 90% of Belle & Sebastian fans own a Duffle Coat. 90% of Death Cab for Cutie fans own a scarf that is longer than 1 and a half metres. sounds like me
  14. fucking awesome night.. possibly the best gig five finger discount have played. cezare were great too, as were the first band
  15. aye, i saw it when walking up from belmont street. i shouldn't laugh about these things, really i shouldn't
  16. grrr. i've messed it up.. if anyone wants i'll post the pics, although it will be heavy downloadage for 56k users
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