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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. graham coxon is the nuts. end of story
  2. umm.. i've heard a lot about oceansize.. what are they like? soulseek wont work for me at the mo so i can't download mp3s, but i'm intrigued
  3. biffy were really good and the crowd was amazingly fun/responsive. i missed reuben because i'm not to keen on them and the boxer rebeillion were fucking awesome.. very tctc-esque, but that's not a bad thing!
  4. I was going to say 'me. n yer ma' but ross stole my glory
  5. you strike me as the sort of person who's always drunk. i'm waiting for 'FUCK YOU' messages so i'm going to hide now..
  6. i might do.. even though i've only heard their current single
  7. The spice girls. nah but really though, radiohead get my vote hands-down.. probably because they are the most influential/talented out of that lot.. although it'll probably be oasis who go through
  8. i'm afraid i'm choose idlewild over GLC any day!
  9. yeah i'm guilty of that. but it's alright cos i'm cool
  10. oooh yeah! capdown are ace.. i'll be there [providing 18.50 was in fact a typo ]
  11. yeah i was.. :| which one were you?
  12. Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me!!!!!
  13. allstardawn


    i never even knew they were playing oooh..
  14. i use soulseek although i can't remember my username. that's helpful, isn't it?
  15. personally [with the exception of the clubs/bars moshulu, exodus, moorings, henry j's etc] i don't think the scene is particularly good. a few good gigs have been going on lately at the lemon tree but a lot of the stuff tends to be fairly generic punk/metal/screamy type stuff. but whatever floats your boat i suppose
  16. oh, I must have caught that cold that's going about
  17. fair enough.. were you 'mayday' by any chance?
  18. aye. pete is just taking the piss now..
  19. i'd just like the point out that i made The Original Babyshambles ThreadTM
  20. are there still quite a lot of tickets left?
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