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Everything posted by allstardawn

  1. oh for FUCKS sake so does this mean we still get refunded on the tickets?
  2. i reckon quite a lot will [sorry for my amount of babyshambles-related posts today] i mean.. a lot of people who go to these gigs are registered users of aberdeen-music/browse the boards so the information will spread quick. hopefully i'll get down there super-early (and by early i mean early..) ahhhh.. i'm so excited!
  3. surely you're heard of the libertines though? babyshambles is pete doherty's 'other' band
  4. paul you have just made me the happiest girl in aberdeen
  5. there's no way in hell kef has the capacity.. i can see it being moved up to the forum or the music hall
  6. i'm confused. i went to the gig, so did the two other people i bought tickets for. but after pete announced he wouldn't be playing i left (just like everyone else) what i mean is, i don't have the receipt that came thorough when i ordered my tickets, therefore have no proof of purchase, just the stub. hmmm
  7. personal opinion i suppose. i bought my tickets through my card (i had tickets for me and two other people) but i didn't keep the receipt.. i still have the tickets, but will the lemon tree have recorded the ticket numbers against my name even if i don't have a proof of purchase? (i.e the receipts)
  8. So then.. sorry, but i find it really hard to believe that pete 'fell down the stairs' - i know this is probably just me jumping to asumptions, but it seemed that pretty much everyone else who was present last night thought along similar lines.. especially as he has a reputation for pulling out of gigs at the last minute. Yes, i realise i get my money back, but it doesn't really compensate for what could have been an utterly fantastic gig. anyone else have any opinions on it?
  9. fake plastic trees by radiohead and pretty much anything by the smiths *wanders off to put on some depressing music*
  10. well they're playing on the 21st, so i'm asuming that if the one up gig is the same day as the one at the lemon tree then that is the first day back..
  11. nae luck min i pulled a ligement on my foot which is fantastic timing because i'm supposed to be working 12 hours over the weekend, going to a gig tonight, going to a friend's birthday outing and doing an art folio.
  12. ta camie. oh how i love bloc party
  13. she don't think straight, no no no.. when's the instore gig?
  14. Past: The Smiths Present: Nada Surf
  15. But I got told that they'd be playing mainly old material and that would be aaaaaace cos i'm not much of a fan of the new stuff. Yeah, but I'm not going. Give me sympathy (and possibly a biscuit)
  16. i always thought scuzz was pretty popular.. I don't really watch it that much, although i like the amp quite a bit because it plays more the sort of music I like. but at least they're not being axed altogether..
  17. What exactly IS emo anyway? i mean.. i always thought emo was along the lines of dashboard confessional/get up kids/saves the day etc (all of which i like), but then there's 'screamo' (which i don't like) and it's all confusing. personally, i don't mind emo
  18. I hope it IS a Saturday cos otherwise I can't go either
  19. I hate you all. It makes me want to start heavy drinking at 5PM in the afternoon
  20. Embrace are a bit meh. But Thirteen Senses!!! Eeeee! Possibly worth the ticket price alone!
  21. Now have four tickets in my possesion (one for myself, Scott Discount and two friends) so am ein happy bunny.
  22. If you've only recently got into them, download Specialist
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