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Everything posted by David

  1. what sort of stuff are you wanting done? neil at prosounds will probably be able to do most mods (replacing hardware, pickups etc...) for you David
  2. David


    talkbox instantly reminds me of Bon Jovi (be that a good or bad thing) the dano freespeech probably dosent sound the best, but is definately the easiest to setup and use, as it just runs inline with your guitar signal, i did contemplate one for a while (it is rather brightly coloured after all...) but i couldnt test one out anywhere (something to do with the fact you have to stick the tube in your mouth) most 'normal' talkboxes need to be placed after the amp in place of a speaker, and you need a pa to then amplify the sound David
  3. i want to know if radioheads new album will be more like the older rocky stuff, or continuing on from hail to the theif, the older albums are stunning, but i am not such a big fan of the newer stuff (though it is cool, just not something i would listen to all the time) 2+2=5 was heading in the right direction, so hopefully a bit more like that David
  4. my assassin has two humbuckers in it (standard bc rich jobbies) my tele has a jb humbucker in the bridge, and a strat singlecoil in the neck the tele sounds baeutiful, the jb is rock itself and has a shedload of output and tone, the singlecoil has a completely different character, half the output and much more open and defined some days i would like a bit less output from the humbucker, but if i changed it out i know i would miss the output of it... i am thinking about upgrading the pickups in the assassin, i really like the singlecoil sounds so am considering a sd phat cat in the bridge, its a p90 in a humbucker housing, so hopefully the more open cool sound of a singlecoil, but with a more rocky humbuckery type sound, the guitar looks like a pretty metal widdleplank (even though the neck is pretty fat and nice) so a phat cat would at least give it some chance at more metalley sounds alongside the usuall rock rather than a proper singleoil i am still trying to work out if i will like the sound of the phat cat in the guitar over a humbucker i would also like a set of emg's for my old strat copy, mostly because of the fact they make every guitar sound alike, and will cover up any problems with the guitar being made of a cheaper wood David
  5. excellent its just the scene where about 1 0of them fan out and almost all of them then collapse.. David
  6. thats not the esure remix... thats the cillit bang one they are classy though, the cillit bang one is mighty i prefer it to the esure one, probably because i despise the esure ads, but cillit bang is excellent David
  7. arses 80 for a fender strat is a complete steal, i paid 350 for my jap tele (a 97/98 one) and it was worth every penny (and many more) David
  8. for mics, i think behringer might do some 57 clones, they arent known for super reliable high quality gear, but would probably do home recording fine dependinsg on the soundcard you might get off with runnign a mic into a mic input on it, or you could use some form of di box, basically to bump the signal up to line level for a line in, no ida what would work well though David
  9. visa electron always worked for me in actual shops, but nowhere online would accept it, somehting to do with it not being secure online or some rubbish, so luckily i have parents i could borrow a credit card off of to make those purchases (mostly guitar stuff i think, from a couple of different places) i just went down to the bank and got a new account... i just went in and said how my accout atm has a visa electron, which is pretty useless online, so could i get a new one with a debit card that i would be able to use, so i got a student account with a proper debit card and everythign is sorted David
  10. My amp is a Marshall and i love it (JCM2000 DSL401) i wouldnt say they are a cut above the rest, but they are THE classic rock sound... the lower end amps arent particularly great though, you do seem to pay a bit for the name rather than an overly impressive amp, but the valve amps are awesome not everyone will be a fan though, they are a bit 'generic' for some people, and other will just prefer the sound of fenders/mesa's/whatever as for peaveys, yeah, the blazers and low end ss amps are utter crap, but they do also make some excellent amps too, the valve amps all seem to get good reviews, the classic 30 is supposedly an awesome amp, and the delta blues they have in brue millers atm is great too... the 5150 is now renamed the 6505, since evh left peavey and has the trademark on the name. the amp is exactly the same except for the logo David
  11. da da da DA da da da da da DA da da da da da da da TETRIS SONG! and what mighty acting and the pwned video was classy, some most amusding ones, like hte guy doing the skateboard loop, or the guy on the trampoline... David
  12. there were five books if that was what you mean... (including the restaurant at the end of the universe) some things kinda sound like they might do a sequel, what happens to zaphods other head, and them mentioning going off to milliways would be a good start for the next one, but i cant decide if i want them to try... if douglas intended a sequel origonally, one could turn out well, but i dont really want them butchering the stories into making a sequel to earn some extra pennies... David
  13. or move the dot in the first or if you want to be pedantic, you could refer to it as forty two hundred thousand i also noticed a month ago i have locker 42 at work... its only taken me about 9 orsomething months to notice that... i saw the film on the previews, and loved it, i was very happy they went off on a different story, there were a few bits missing (like the bit lieing onfront of the digger, they missed out the classy logic about going down to the pub) that i liked from the book/tv series, and i have read the books enough that it was very cool that the story was different, though still very obviously douglas adams. i wasnt sure how much of the origonal story they would be able to do in the film, they managed a decent enough part in the tv shows, but that was over 6 episodes, not a film. changin the story fixed that i wasnt too keen on the way they did Zaphods extra head/arm, but i did wander before how they would manage that and make it look good (without having to cgi him completely or whatever) so it was a pretty good compromise. and i was pretty happy with the love story, every film seems to need some sort of love story according to the writers, so at least it was small and believable. there are a lot of small facts you will notice and that can improve the story and location slightly if you have read the books, but arent too big a loss if you havent, things like a bit more about magrathea, which can improve the story slightly if you know more about them, (the same can be said for any book -> film though) plus it had a most mighty credit sequence at the start, a most classy and amusing song though people were wandering what i was on about when i was singing it the next day... i wished they would have had more of the guide entries at the end though, they had one halfway through the credits (about the races who go to war when arthurs words get taken through a wormhole...) which was excellent, and a few more would have been even better, but thats just a small petty criticism a lot of people wont be completely happy with the characters, and how they wont match what they thought of when they read the books, but i though they did an excellent job there were a few unfinished stories at the end (well one i can think of now), as zaphod didnt get his brain back, i am not sure if i want them to attempt a sequel though (especially since i dont think douglas adams intended there to be one) David
  14. I have the NW-HD1, and it has been absolutely amazing, until a couple of weeks ago when the screen died, took it back to the shop (i bought it in john lewis) and it was sent away under warranty straight away so i should hopefully have it back in a week or so. i went into john lewis looking to decide between a mini or 20 gb and walked out with a sony (well i did when i went back to buy it a few days later) roughly the same size as a mini, much, much better battery life, a decent sized hard drive (much bigger then athe mini, same as the 20gb)(recording at 64kbs atrac3+ i have used just under 3gb of it, and that basically all the music i need and listen to semi regularly) as for the battery life, mine has 30 hours, the guys in john lewis tested it out, they left a song playing on repeat, and it played it for the 30 hours as sony say it should, so i am guessing the HD5 wont be any worse i do think the HD1/HD3 look a bit more classy though, though i would have ot see it in person to say for sure. as for sonicstage, i have been using the 2.1 that came with my walkman and its been fine... i recorded all the music i listen to from my cds, and really cant see why people complain about sonicstage... David
  15. thats the one, i know they had some challenges where they got people to do something they really didnt like (but probably not to phobia levels) to win a prize for a loved one, every time you could see them asking what they really didnt like, and them just realising, 'oh shit, thats what they ae going to get me to do' David
  16. i think blair got in because people didnt want another torie government... the lib dems dont seem to have a chance of getting enough votes to get number 10, so its either labour or tories, and we would rather give blair another shot than michael howard caught between a rock and a hard place... i just wish the monster raving loony party wanted a seat up here so i could vote for them David
  17. there are loads of things i am scared about, or really, really dislike, but nothing i would consider anywhere near a phobia. i remember there was some saturday evening gameshow, and they had a bit where someone tried to conquer a phobia, basically being inside a large glass box with whatever it was they hated. you could see some of the people really wanted to do it, but were getting really hysterical over it, some of it seems really silly, like someone was afraid of buttons or something, so to us it looked like glass room with buttons in it, ie nothign to be scared of at all, btu the person on the show was really hysterical. seems completely illogical to be scared of somethign like buttons, but its not their choice... with things like spiders or mice, its pretty easy to see why someone would be scared... David
  18. i missed any explanation at the start, but it was very interesting to see what the guy did when he woke up in the 'real' room, watching him kinda think 'wtf' then realising what was happening and start shooting. then afterwards him waking up, again slightly confused for a moment, then working out it was a game and being rather excited about how cool and realistic it was, and trying to work out why (fancy graphics or somehting i think he said) one thing i always wandered, hwo do they go about getting permission for this sort of stuff? i guess they cant get their permission before the experiment (otherwise they would ruin their reactions) but they must need their mermission after at least before they can show it (ie why they sensor some faces/numberplates in police shows) but what would you be thinking if they pulled off something like that on you? it must be very freaky seeing what you did afterwards i did wander how exctly he got him into a trance, he was telling the guy to add flashes to the game and stuff, still dont know exctly how he did it though David
  19. i would check with other staff doing the same job if you can swap shifts, so you could try and work around it so you didnt have to work that weekend, you might have to do a bit extra or crappy shifts to get people to cover your weekend shifts, but it would be worth it if you could work around it that way, you wouldnt technically be taking a holiday, as you would still be doing your hours for the week, and your bosses shouldnt mind, as they still have somone doing your job. it depends if makro will let you off with doing that though, some places wouldnt care, some places would be very uptight with everyone not doing their hours exactly by the book... you could always try going over the dates and everythign with your boss, and try and show them no one else is away that weekend, so there would be no problems or anything, and hope they see sense pulling a sickie would work, but its not a particularly ethical way to do it, theywill be suspicious, and might not be very pleased next time you want time off (newtons third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction ) David
  20. my brother was listening to it earlier i thought the guitar sounded like a crappy korn ripoff, and shite vocals... and yes, in real life the guitar sounded nothing like korn probably, but that was the impression i got (not being a fna of korns sound either) i dont know whether i should run and hide before a rain of abuse hits me, or sand on a soapbox as everyone rallys round the bizkit hating... David
  21. the nano is sweet, 1 watt output through whatever cab you want to hook it up to, fully cranked it is still probably enough to annoy the neighbours a bit too. that currently has ther title of the worlds smallest production valve amp which is rather cool the new amp he is doing is a hifi amp, a valve powered, two channel (for stereo) anp runnign at about 1 watt per side, it was designed for using with stuff like ipods int a normal set of hifi speakers zvex makes some top stuff, i have the vexter fuzz factory and it is an amazing pedal David
  22. Gibsno LS-5 if i am not mistaken RnB and Prosound are the only 'music' shops that have secondhand gear, but neither have much, check out places like cash converters and by xhchange on george street, occasionally they get some guitars and stuff in (though cash converters still have their impressively large rack of utterly shite guitars) i know by xchange had a gibson sg in the window for abuot 500 i think, not sure if its still there though keep an eye on the wanted/for sale bit here too, there are guitars and stuff that pop up there, which are usually for sale in the aberdeen area (or the seller can be met here usually) i got my last electric from the ads here, and it is bloody amazing David
  23. i think i have an idea who it is... i am stuck in uni anyway, so wont be able to see it David
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