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Everything posted by David

  1. for a cheaper guitar, the nut is most often the problem for bad tuning stability, getting the nut replaced with something better should help, or even getting the nut cut properly David
  2. for a guitar amp you would want an xlr -> 1/4 inch converter check whether it is a male or female jack you need though (the 1/4 will be male, not sure about the xlr though) David
  3. they have cheap tape recorders in argos for about 20 i think they have a small mic in them so you can record onto them, not sur how it would sound though, the only times we have used one was at toms, where the volume fo the drums and guitar kinda distortedthe mic... David
  4. David


    with a puppy about a wall hanger is definately the way to go, with a floor stand i can see the dog bashing into it and knocking the guitars flying (well falling... floorwards) make sure it is a solid bit of wall you are attaching it to though, as if it is just plasterboard the wieght of the guitar will pull out the hanger, so make sure it is attached to something string (outer walls, or where there is a beam behind the wall) David
  5. atm i have two guitars... a BC Rich NJ neck thru Assassin and a Marshall strat copy i am hopefully going to get a new guitar sometime in the future, i have been looking at the Fender 72 tele custom recently and am waiting on prosound to get in the maple fretboard model to try , as the pickups seem a bit unbalanced (the neck has far too much bass, the bridge has none at all, i was hoping to be abel to use them separately, and not have to be using them both together the whole time, though that does sound beautiful) David
  6. i only watched the first video... i know i cant really talk, as i am a pretty crap guitarist, but parts of that were absolutly horrible... and you should really learn how to use a wah before you go on stage with one... David
  7. i have only ever read the books as a whole, as i have the big hardbacked collection of them all, which i am currently reading right now (for about the fifth time) but i prefer the first parts of it, it does get a bit odd and silly at the end having said that, the end is still some of the greatest books ever... i love his style of writing though, and all the little irrelevant but amusing parts in the story, that do little to the actual story, but add to the universe he has created and make the books that little bit cooler the dirk gently novels also rock rather a lot, they all start off with some utterly irrelevant parts (like the very start of the first book, with the castle) and gradually evolve into some form of sense, though the first book still dosent completely make sense... you can get the radio shows on cassette in town, waterstones have them if i am not mistaken (they did last time i checked anyway) i have a quote by him as my signature on all the forums i visit (which has since disspaeared here) so long and thanks for all the fish David
  8. nitrocellulose or polyurethine (not sure on the spellings though) are the two laquers commonly used on guitars, i cant remember which way round it is, but one ages nicely while the other is a stronger finish, one will also react to the rubbers used on some guitar stands and mark if you leave them in contact another option would be a bare wood finish, i think its tung oil thats usually used to help protect the wood, i know players like zakk wylde and kirk hammet like unfinished necks David
  9. on the origonal topic, i got a tab for one of the songs of rass a long long time ago, basically the whole song minus the solos if i remember correctly cant remember exactly which song it was though... it should be saved on my computer upstairs, i will go check later David
  10. i want to read how it turns out... yet i cant really be bothered having to pay $20 for the book... bah i must say, i was pissing myself laughing at the 'soar' and 'thump' knobs David
  11. at the end of all this, my guitar plays well enough in tune to keep me happy, i doubt most people would really notice that much of a difference between teh buzz feiten and normal tuning, except for a few audio/music guys who have very good ears for pitch David
  12. as tav said it could be as simple as a broken connection between the jack and the board, so all that would need would be a quick resoldering and away you go it could be more complicated than that, but i dont really know what the problem may be or how to fix it hopefully it is just a loose jack though David
  13. David


    i would go to the venues forum, mainly kef and drakes and pm lava p and the guy that runs drakes (i cant remember his name here) they should be able to help you out David
  14. much thanks to the guys in one up for recommending the youthmovie soundtrack strategy (i know i talked to daveofficer there, sorry i dont know what the other guy was called, except thet he plays for dedalus) it is a most excellent album David
  15. i thought it was a bit more involved than the nut being slightly moved... which is why i dont really know much more on the technical aspects of it, as if that did indeed give better tuning... why would something so simple not be a standard across all guitars? the earvana nut works in a similar way, but over single strings, so they look kinda like the intonation set at the bridge, but at th enut as well (but not quite as much) David
  16. i really want to hear more about it and how it works, i didnt really find much on how it actually works on the net when i had a look a while ago guitar buyer should be doing an article on it sometime soon, which should be a good read and hopefully enlighten me if you are interested in the idea of the buzz feiten system, it might be an idea to have a look at the earvana compensated nut, i dont think it is quite as involved and perfect as buzz feiten, but is still a very good system and helps get everything in tune better then before, i know a few people with it fitted to guitars and they like it David
  17. looking cool so far, and some pretty sweet guitars you have there too (namel the rr5 and your jag) i shall be waiting for the mxr and dunlop stuff comes in to give them a shot David
  18. i will buy your cd next time i am in one up and have money, alongside the pavement one i was listening to yesterday yus David
  19. i got the dvd of dream theaters - live scenes from new york for my birthday last sunday and yesterday i bought the youthmovie soundtrack strategies album "hurrah! another year, surely this one will be better than the last; the inexorable march of progress will lead us all to happiness" the next cd on my list will probably be a pavement one David
  20. could i ask how much a setup would be? is there any difference in prices between guitars and other instruments (namely a banjo) David
  21. what amps do you have in the rehersal room? David
  22. the link in your post was pointing to your auction of your yamaha sg, not the charvel... hence me posting the link to the charvel in my post i have no doubts it is a model 7 and i was just pointing out, as ebay have been known to pull auctions and the like (i think you have to pay a fee to host an auction?) so just warning you in case you didnt know it was against the rules nice guitar anyway, hope it goes to a nice home David
  23. any estimates on pricing? i would be after a plain finish (british racing green) on a strat style body, and i could sand off the old finish if that would be easier for you guys David
  24. dude, adding a charge for paypal is against the rules of ebay... just warning you in advance if anyone else notices... oh yea, and that aint a charvel model 7 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2384&item=3739875513 is teh charvel David
  25. i wasnt too keen in the jaguar i played, they just didnt sound as nice to me as a jazzmaster did the switching system is very cool, but the big ass pickups in the jazzzmaster sounded so much nicer tempting as it is, i will be waiting for a jazzmaster before i part with the cash David
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