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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. I wondered why there was amps just lying about the place...
  2. particularly when someone else buys it!
  3. Cloud

    rocket fuel

    good on you for trying though camie
  4. mwahhahaa i still haven't had the bare faced dallas cheek to offer someone free entry in exchange for their phone number, though
  5. http://www.revol.dk/tlorn_video.zip < the video's there. I really like it, the video adds a certain charm I think...the song is good, it's radio friendly and all the rest of it, but it's a shame that the rest of lifeblood sucks which reminds me, i must go and be a harsh dictator on the official manics site again, they just can't stand moderation across there
  6. matt bellamy tuomas holopainen (who's gay anyway, so it makes it easier) er..probably some other randoms here and there. actually, now that i think about it, i saw a very hot random bloke in town, but it was probably more of "woah, you look like a right cool guy" than actually wanting to fuck him
  7. haha, i read the quote before reading who said it, and i was thinking "must be the manics" and it was.. oh dear have you seen the new video, by the way?
  8. in what, junkie scum? i'd rather not, ta. good luck to kef on taking on such a poisoned chalice.
  9. I doubt the Music Hall would touch it with a bargepole, and the Forum has stopped putting on gigs..so where's going to take him in Aberdeen? it'll just turn out to be all talk, he won't be back..do you think he wants to play to a very hostile crowd?
  10. (fucking minimum character length)
  11. Cloud


    eh!? who's was the tour bus, then? was the cunt inside while i was loitering around outside it flyering people?
  12. It's a shame because the numbers in the club is speaking for itself - Mondays/Wednesdays are getting busier, Fridays are rammed and Saturdays are going that way :\ it's just a shame numbers alone don't speak volumes - rather the vocal minority decides
  13. Sunburn by Fuel, without a shadow of a doubt
  14. Sitting at home doing fuck all is a problem for people on benefits, yeah..but if they're out there, applying for jobs and getting work experience, what's the big deal about paying them some benefits? I'm sure (for instance) if I fancied working in a bar, I'd go out there and ask a few managers of bars if they would be willing to let me do unpaid work experience there seeing as I don't have any experience - it seems like the common sense attitude to take.
  15. I wish I understood just why it takes so long - is this just another example of keeping paper pushers in jobs? I'll never understand the concept of "I can't find a job" - it's always seemed to me that if you really wanted a job doing a certain thing, then you could always offer to do a job for free in exchange for the training/experience. But yeah, I agree with a three strike concept - provided it's fair. I believe that with jobseekers allowance now, you can be forced to change your look/appearance or they can cut your benefits. I don't agree with that in the slightest.
  16. I'm not comparing the Manifesto with any right wing propoganda - I'm comparing the realities. Communism doesn't work in the vast majority of cases - I can think of two examples where it has worked to a degree - Yugoslavia, because of Tito's iron rule and Cuba because of Castro's desire to see the best for his people. It's been proven time and time again to be a great idea in theory, but a bad idea in practice - and personally, I'd rather not live in a police state. It's a dangerous concept - just as dangerous as fascism, in my opinion. Personally, what worries me more is not the NF themselves, but the people employed to protect them from the violent aspects of the socialists - it seems, on both sides, there's links to some very unsavoury people who wouldn't hesitate to use violence to achieve their aims. Instead of turning this into the usual "should the NF be banned" debate, here's a question. If the NF decided to start supporting projects for white people, fundraising and such like, would you (meaning everyone) be offended?
  17. But isn't "harm" subjective? I think socialism is harmful, and I disagree with the methods used by the "Left" in order to achieve their aims. Does this mean that socialism should be banned? of course not, they have rights and should be allowed to persue their motive, even if I don't agree with it. How many times does it need to be said that banning a march will just cause more problems than letting it go ahead? They banned various Republican and Loyalist terrorist groups in Northern Ireland..what happened? I don't think anyone can seriously say that banning Gerry Adams's voice from being broadcast in the UK did any good whatsoever. Anyway, there wouldn't this outroar if the Communist party wanted to march down Union Street, so why the hypocrisy? Living in a communist state wouldn't be my ideal paradise, that's for sure.
  18. haha, i thought the same thing at the dead poetic gig the amount of emo and fashion mullet haircuts these days is shocking
  19. nooooooo!!!!! fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!! :| i forgot all about this!!
  20. haha, you're going to purchase all the tapes featuring Jeff Jarrett, aren't you?
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