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Everything posted by StewCat

  1. Bill Ely and the Catnips get my vote - legends!!!!!!!!!
  2. they do...myself and matthew was in there on Sunday night - not only was Mark and his band of black jaket 'got any I.D mate' brothers very friendly...we got talking to a very drunk and comical off duty member of the priory bouncer club! I also got to see "Merry Christmas" kick a drunk twat out of the club (and it wasnt me)
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... FatRBs kick ass!
  4. hahaha! - question one: 'WHERE IS MY BUTTONS!!!!!!??????'
  5. THEY WERE TOTAL SHIT! hahaha - only kidding. Was working all evening - T.Oed i missed Welfare Mothers. Only managed to catch Karrta - here what i have to say - it might be a little short but im tired so fuck you: Karrta: Set List: Intro (Instrumental) She Bought a car to Trash RMTC Crazy Years Henry got Cancer Two minutes Hate aye - ive just been getting a bit more into the 'post-rock', 'weird rock' stuff.....i'd put Karrta under that title - its a good thing. They opened with this long winded Instrumental intro - it went on a minute ir so longer than i could handle but the drummer Martin is SOLID AS FUCK! My god he can pound those skins. The Karrta stage is very busy - i like that - lots of stuff going on - everyone has their own jitter, twitch, sway, head bop...ect - its nice to see that - interesting to watch - all 6 memeber look like they are having a good time! All the songs got my feet boppin' and my head knockin' - really enjoyable. Their sound is so tight and vocals even better! i remembered RMTC & Henry got Cancer from the demo i have - and they had a nice honesty about them live - its good that a band can make their songs take on a whole new character from the recordings to their live show.....I really cant say much more except that Karrta are the most interesting, tight, original band ive seen/heard come from Aberdeen for as long as i can think back....Great Banter, Great Band. 9/10 overall performance... please feel free to give your opinions on Karrta and all the bands i missed tonight. Cheers Stewart xx
  6. im working in the tunnels 2 till 10pm - will pop in after that!
  7. the holy folks are really looking forward to this. alan - if you like you could be the 4th member of the holy folks that night?
  8. its Chan Marshal...idiots. I think its an insult that Patton is so low down on the "cool" list - the man was in Mr Bungle...MR BUNGLE!!!!
  10. aye! next you'll be telling me callum russel books bands for underflow!
  11. you're loss! coz the food is fucking MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!
  12. i start my first shift on Thursday.
  13. my mistake! if im not working i'll be down to see you guys again!
  14. Anyone know if i can fix my harmonica? Its gone out of tune. HELP!
  15. Aye min - mare reviews - im just keeping the juices flowing before i get the fanzine going. 2 demos and an EP...how exciting! Ry Walker Ry Walker - Husky Session - Demo Number of tracks: 3 Cost: I think if he likes you he'll give you a free copy Saw this lad at the ever popular tunnels open mic night - too many talented people dawn that stage on a tuesday night. I was handed this square, selotaped with a cd inside. It said Ry Walker on the front. I ripped it open. Put it in my CD Player. This Cd is way too easy to listen to. Ry Walked has a cool jazzy/folky stlye of guitar playing - the tone on the recording sounds lo-fi enough to sound like OLD TIME RADIO and Ryans voice is so warm - mmmmm soothing like the most perfect cup of coffee. Track one is Road to nearest Bar (featured on www.myspace.com/rywalker) its a groovy (and i mean groovy) tune about drinking, reading news papers hungover, bumming about, road trips,mostly drinking though...and song with a whistling solo needs a grammy. Track two The Floor is the highest light of this demo. Its such a simple jazz tune - Very Jamie Cullem(sp? i dunno his name) esq - also reminds me of some of Brian Piltins old stuff. Track three is called Beach Hut - its mostly a song about being at the beach...surly not aberdeen beach??? Like The Floor is a simplistic jazzy track - very honest and a nice wee tune to listen to. Must quote the best line in the cd is in this song: "The walls may be two inches thick, the sight of seagulls make me sick, but if your Scottish, Irish, Arabic" Really cant find a bad word to say about this...cept the '1234' on track 2 is out of time and invest in a cd box but because it was free i cant complain - just record more stuff and gig more! 10/10 Mark McCabe Mark McCabe - You Needed to Know...and this is the only way i know how - Demo Number of Tracks: 3 Price: Unknown - i think he also just gives them away - good show! This Cd also comes in wee paper square - cept this time it has nice little drawing on it! Track one Tesco Value Devorce (cool name) starts off cool - like a Cat Power song -minimal and enough. The lyrics in the first verce are AMAZING - its about a smelly bum of a husband who is about to be left by his wife...really cool somgwriting - but after that the lyrics sound like you rushed to get them finished. Also the music changes from a nice picking strings tune to a horrible strummy Dashboard esq - im even baffled how you made that change. I like the vocals in this song untill they start to go higher - ruined it for me. Track two Playground Competition is not very good. Sounds like a rubbish emo song played on acoustic guitar. Not very original. And the vocals are poor on this recording - they are too whiney to hear what your singing about. Track 3 You Need to know... i had to turn off 45 seconds into it. Its fast pased and all over the shop. Vocals crap again - whiney - prob about an ex-girlfriend. me no like. First song there is room for improvement but the other two tracks are either not to my taste or really shit OR it might be so edgy that nobody understands. 3/10 last but not least! PARITYSFALL ParitysFall - ParitysFall EP Number of Tracks: 3 Cost: Unknown - but you should buy one at their EP Launch on 23/11/06 @ Snafu Picked up a brown package off the stairs of my flat. Ripped it open. Unwrapped it from a smelly old Asda bag and there it was... A BRAND SPANKING NEW PARITYFALL EP!! It has cool artwork (see their myspace - www.myspace.com/paritysfall) my flatmate is impressed - he takes lots of photos of lamp posts...dont ask... Before i listened to this i had seen them live (infact played a gig with them) before and knew its not really the kind of music im into...but here goes: Track one What are we looking for has an intro that reminds me of incubus a bit - its nice - the the vocals kick in! They are nice as well - not too sure what is the dude is singing about but i like his vocals - kinda sounds Breathy/Spoken. The chorus is a little cheesy but everyone loves a cheesy harmony! Track two Escape this Crash starts off affa out of time - and very Biffy Clyroish. Im also not too keen on the vocals in this one - compleatly different to the first song. Starts to get a bit better - love it when the singer gets shouty & the wee twinkely guitar pickage! Bouncy! starting to enjoy this tune. The breakdown towards the end is cool untill it time signiture makes a sloppy change. It Ends on an anticlimax. I remember this song sounding alot better live. Track 3 with radiant world Starts very good - im enjoying it - dreamy, soothing vocals...guitar is kinda post-rock esq - 10 points but then when everything kicks in that delay effect on the guitar upsets the song. Cant find anything wrong with this tune other than that bloody effect - makes such a nice song sound so cluttered. Thats just a personal opinion. All the songs are on their myspace! Overall the sound quality on this record cant be touched - recorded at Exile Studios - think i might book a few recording sessions there for my band. Highest Quality! 8/10 thats it...im spent...untill i get some more demos i guess.
  16. Mel Gibson we'd have about 40 pints between us at drummonds then rampage down Union Street.
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