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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. ... from their wee Scottish Tour

    it was a blast

    all the shows were ace

    made lots of new friends


    There will be a ton of stuff from the tour going up onto the site in the next few weeks


    imho Perth was the best show - had an ace time

    (perhaps mainly cos it was a friday... but generally.. that place rocks!)

    The GU will be rockin' the moorings tonight! (saturday 26th)

    so make sure you get your asses down there!


  2. oh yeah..

    i totally forgot to start an argument didnt i..


    come down to the moorings this saturday and see how good 4 bands sound without a soundcheck..


    probably the best gig in the world..


  3. :headbang:

    did you know...

    there's going to be much metAL at the moorings this saturday

    yep. yep.

    Hot Mangu

    Self Made Man (dundee)

    Soundshok (arbroath)

    Everwicked (montrose)

    some pretty brutal shit right there

    doors at 8pm, probably only 2 or something

    Its the last date on the Hot Mangu Splat Metal Tour pretty much

    and we're going to be recording some live tracks, filming and such for the up coming CD/DVD release...

    so get your groove on and come down... have some fun... :up:

    should be all good..

  4. I was illustrating how things that may not seem "essential" can suddenly become so when a problem arises due to not being properly prepared. So it wasn't a poop comparison' date=' it was a poop comeback because you deliberately never addresed the real point in an attempt to be clever.

    Exactly, and a chance to improve your sound is worth it from a band's point of view. I don't suppose you'd understand that, not being in a band.

    It's been discussed in previous threads. Since that's no longer the case that's fine. I prefer to use my amp because I know how it works. Simple.


    To be honest, I've agreed with a lot of what Flash has said on here, it's just what other people have said that smacks of bullshit. Right now I don't have the time to explain myself any further.[/quote']

    hand bags at dawn it is then


  5. Let's forget the whole Lost debate for a moment and have a word on soundchecks...

    Neither's a spare string till you break one.

    - how can you break a soundcheck?

    (thats a poop comparison)

    But missing out a soundcheck doesn't improve your sound' date=' whereas a soundcheck can.

    [b']- can. yes. can is another word for might do, maybe, possibly

    Their amp.

    - you can use your own amp

    - nobody said there was a problem with that?!

    And then another band doesn't sound good and are told "Oh well, you couldn't know how to set your amp up because Ghost of Bongo sounded ace!"

    - um.... yes :up:

    so yeah... um...


  6. Dude' date=' its not like i said it would be rubbish. Jesus, to be honest i don't care anymore. I was seriously considering coming up until i read that man. I dunno why people have a problem with folks voicing their opinions. Dude, i neither have a problem with you, the moorings or flash. This thing like so many others on here has been blown out of proportion because i didn't want to come to a gig that a band i wanted to see had pulled out of. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it, that i should have the freedom of choice as to whether or not i come to a gig and not be made to feel guilty about it and be constantly berated for it.

    Anyways who cares.


    you quite clearly care


    i dont have a problem with you either

    i dont have a problem with lost

    i dont have a problem with the moorings

    i dont have a porblem with anything really

    i'm in a happy place right now

    all i said was that the comment you made was rubbiss (i apologies for the cussing)

    i never said that you were rubbiss

    i didnt take away your right or any of your freedom

    - just merely pointed out that you were out of order

    (and a lot of this 'blowing things out of proportion' was due to you whinging about your rights or whatever when you clearly didnt know all of the facts)

    not coming to a gig because you got a bit burned on the interwideweb is a little silly dont you think?

    you have the freedom of choice

    come to the gig

    or dont

    complain about something else i've said

    or dont

    either way

    i put the effort in to book the bands for people like you to come and see

    i'll be there

    and i'll most likely enjoy it

    if you want to join me

    then cool

    if not

    that's ok

    i'm on holiday in an hour for a whole week anyway so :p



  7. nah dude...

    points over here

    you're over there...

    soundchecks are not pointless

    but in this particular cicumstance i.e. gigs at the moorings

    they are not essential

    - what this means is

    you do not have to have a soundcheck in order to sound good

    and the setup at the moorings means that they are not mandatory and you can sound absolutely wonderful with a quick line check - assuming you know how to work your amp!

    this is not a sweeping statement for all venues

    just this venue in particular

    (in my humble opinion - ghost of bongo sounded ace the other night - and they got the same treatment as everybody else)

    (that rant above wasnt aimed at you either btw.. ;) )

  8. Dude' date=' i wouldn't bother. Some people are so set in there ways and are just on a big back slapping spree with Flash and the moorings that it just ain't worth voicing your opinion.


    that's complete shite by the way

    do you really feel that hard done by?

    get a grip son

    come to the gig

    if it's rubbish

    then come up and tell me about it

    i'll be more than willing to listen to your opinion

    and take your ideas into account

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