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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. usually because they have to setup everything....

    large venues for example are usually conference halls or sporting arenas

    so a lengthly soundcheck is required because all of the equipment has to be put together, tested and used on the same day

    to be honest...

    i dont fully understand what's going on

    i personally have no problems with the moorings soundcheckin policy

    there's a very good reason for it

    and the people who have somekind of serious problem with it are in a minority

    the battle of the bands at the loft in december had no soundchecks

    - for any of the heats - or the final

    and everyone used the same equipment

    and to be fair... there was no real issue with the sound

    and there are plenty of other venues like that in this country

    and probably all over the world

    None of you guys are big time rock stars yet

    when you are

    i'm sure you'll be allowed to soundcheck to your hearts content

    but a working venue with loads of different bands playing all the time doesnt really need this kind of hassle now does it?

    you should be happy that the moorings puts in the effort that it does to let bands play

    just because it's not how you would do it

    doesnt mean it doesnt work

    and this conversation

    like many others

    is getting boring

    all i want

    is for people to come and see Hitechjet and Driving on the Right

    cos they're good bands

    who are travelling all the way up to aberdeen to play

    and i reckon some of you guys might really like them


  2. Local band + Souncheck = Rehearsal (more often than not) Line check should in fact be enough... Go to T in the Park and listen to every band soundcheck?! Don't think so...

    By the way Drake's was blessed with a perfect room for any sound and a good sound was usually down to the band knowing what they 'should' sound like' date=' it helps. Most touring acts couln't be arsed with an lengthy soundcheck unless the set-up was complex. Even then it was an extended line check... '1234 fraaang crash wallop fiidang' plink "Fine guys! Now lets go eat, we've been in a bus for 8 hours".



    there it is

    the shot that wins the match



  3. Oh come on Dan!!! Hearts on Fire is just classic! You can't beat Hammerfall.. can't wait to see them at the Stock this year - The classic rhyming fire and desire... just can't beat that! awesome!

    Yes some lyrics can be dump... however' date=' they have good music to back that up - whereas emo gives you shite lyrics with a load of cumstain guitar work, skidmark bass and willy-licking drumming. That makes bum pie!!!

    I present to you:

    "We'll start a fire, and burn some bridges, and make it out of here tonight"

    etc. Dump city![/quote']

    har har

    i have a hammerfall track on a metal hammer cd

    i couldnt believe my ears when i first heard it

    so good

    so very good...

    but so bad

    so very bad

    but.. so good!

    i also now have a hammerfall poster on the wall of my office

    because scott insisted i took one when i was in oneup t'other day


  4. one time me, jimmy and sam (7SU) were sitting watching CKY in my old flat on king street

    (i think we'd watched 2 or 3 of them in a row or something... it had been a long night)

    but there had been the sound of a truck parked outside with the engine running for ages


    when i finally got up to go and look out of the window we discovered it was a fire engine

    i looked up the street

    'hey look... another one...'

    i was intrigued

    so i looked the other way...

    'wooo... more fire engines..' and then an ambulance and oh look smoke pouring out of the flat along there..

    and a whole bunch of people standing outside

    quite exciting

    the flat above the sports shop (opposite al askan see) was the one in question

    we were far enough away not to be effected by it

    but it looked like most of the flat was destroyed



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