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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. oh yes

    you should always check your foo foo valve

    especially if your discombobulator needs replacing!

    but yeah...

    do any USB devices work on your laptop?

    cos if they dont then there's your problem sunny-jim

    but the AOL thing is also a problem

    i will 2nd the notion of giving the AOL CD a short, one-way trip to the bin


  2. I was in aberdeen at the weekend and me and the man went out to the basement' date=' i have to say i am v imprerssed. dont know if any of the staff read this, but well done.

    place was very friendly as were the staff - i will defintly be going there next time i am up again.

    (rico and jimmy's dj'ing was good too)

    just thought id say :D[/quote']

    :rockon: daaaamn straight


    glad u's had a good time

  3. I think this has been covered quite well already' date=' but to summerise aberdeen does not need a 'scene' A scene is just an excuse for people with trendy haircuts to boost their own self esteem. Aberdeen needs people out watching bands, forming opinions on them, and telling their friends. If everyone took a non gig going friend with them to see a local band, then we would be getting somewhere.[/quote']


    positive change.


  4. Yeah' date=' bought it at the gig last night and currently listening to it just now. Only had a couple of listens all the way through but I have to say that so far I prefer The Beyond.[/quote']

    neils exploits at the merch stall prompted me to buy a cd and a tshirt too

    i got the one with the black sleeve and the groovy cutout thingy.... whatever its called

    i like it..

    this much

    *shows how much*


  5. Might be interested in check out the bands we have playing at the moorings on saturday

    Hitechjet (in at the deep end records)

    Driving on the Right (bravestar records)

    + support from Falkirk punks Distorted Mind

    For more information please have a look at this page

    - as there's links and information and suchlike


    this is a gig plug


    but it's also a general... whatdoyouthink, leave your comments here kinda deal too


  6. rrrraaarrr

    to be honest

    i think everythings going to be just fine


    because we are in the process of doing some cool stuff

    that will change everything...

    and to be honest

    there's more of a 'scene' online than there is out on the streets

    and all this 'bitching' that goes on mostly comes from people who are part of the online community that evolved from a message board... which turned into two message boards... and we all know what the second one was..

    and now here we are... with a ton of forums and people posting shite all day long... and sometimes good stuff (especially on the AUBL and HMG forums)

    but anyway

    Local bands play gigs

    that's cool

    venues put on live events regularly

    that's cool too

    all the people involved work damn hard to keep it going

    and thats the cooles thing of all

    its about time you miserable lot took a timeout and accepted everything that has happened in the past and started looking at where you are going to take yourself in the future

    i'm not bitter about drakes closing down and neither are the staff (which they have mentioned on threads all over this site)

    i've loved that place as much as the next guy

    and i will miss it

    but whats happened has happened and there was nothing anyone could do about it

    so me thinks it's about time for some positive change

    cos i'm sick... sick to death of this conversation

    YEARS! years this same argument has been going on

    scene this

    scene that

    fuck the scene

    who cares about the 'scene'

    it's an online scene - thats all it is and you all know thats true

    you see..

    we care about the bands and the musicians and the venues and the promoters and all the people who are interested in seeing local bands, organising events and having a good time.

    we have also started caring a lot about bands from all of the UK

    (as our moorings gig listings will suggest)

    we've worked our tiny little asses off to bring bands from around scotland, england, wales and even the odd one from brazil and the USA to aberdeen this year

    just so you can have the chance to check them out...

    we have a couple of great bands playing this saturday in fact! :up:

    the lineups are varied (at least i think they are)

    and if people perhaps too the time to check this shit out

    instead of wasting time talking and arguing and trying to be all 'check me i'm ace'

    then it would be much better

    wouldnt it


  7. It's all to do with ego/jealousy/apathy/bandwagon jumping and so on...

    For instance' date=' why did Allysa's Wish(sp?) suddenly become Aberdeen's worst/most hated band(whatever it was) at last years Fudge Awards? I know those awards aren't meant to be taken too seriously, but it's a sign that all is not well and healthy.

    Just one example.[/quote']

    hey you're right

    it's all Brians fault !


  8. excellent...

    and i will think about giving you scene points for giving me scene points

    now isnt this fun?!

    nobody in this thread will ever judge you, argue with you or any of that bad stuff that goes on elsewhere on these forums..


    join the thread...

    become one with it

  9. 5. AUBL

    4. AUBL

    3. AUBL

    2. AUBL

    1. Fuckin 'AUBL'

    This is not about opinions' date=' this is fact, anyone who disagree's can go bury themselves in a ditch.

    This Is Not About Opinions![/quote']


    and i'd love to stay and chat but... you're clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer

    i would like to hear why you said that

    and went to all that trouble to make a thread just to say that

    but i have the feeling this conversations going nowhere

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