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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. i liked the gig muchly :up::rockon:

    but i didnt like any of the comments Brian made on stage :nono:

    i think he should be banned... from everything.. especially public speaking

    Down with Brian

    Boooo! Hissssss!

    [this statement was brought to you by the AUBL

    - who didnt vote for the worst band in the FMA 2005

    because in our eyes you're all lovely

    - and the letters L, I, C, K, M, Y, B, A, W and S]

  2. You were obviously aware of that photo in the reading '03 leaflet/day planner things? i fucking howled when i saw it. :D

    of course

    i submitted it

    but so did nick (onlynik - or moderator fame)

    and he got the free ticket

    which still upsets me to this day

    but what the hey

    we got our mugs in the Reading program

    which is pretty cool if i dont say so myself

    - and to be honest i was quite impressed that they printed it... :D

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