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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. Are we going to have to change our name to 'African-American Atom'? :(

    har har har

    maybe you should call yourselves

    Hex={00' date='00,00} ATOM


    My niece who is 6, tells me off for singing bah bah black sheep... Cus she says she was taught it was bad. I have to sing bah bah wooly sheep....

    surely a wooly sheep would have wool ?!

    so the next line is completely redundant

    maybe it should be green sheep

    or is that offensive to martians?


  2. agreed

    i downloaded it and chucked it on a dvd

    cos i'm all bad-ass n shit

    watched it last night... thought it was OK... but quite hard to watch at times

    the story didnt really seem to be going anywhere sometimes

    it was a bit forced...

    if that makes sense

    the first one was ace

    but purely because it was a story that everyone knew was good to begin with


    i dont think they should've bothered

  3. yep

    But not as exciting as this...

    Dominican Mangu - Our Answer to Mashed Potatoes




    4 green Platano bananas (remove the skin and cut in 3 inch pieces)

    2 teaspoons of salt

    1 cup of water

    cup of whole milk

    cup of cold water (place water in your refrigerator before using, so it is cold)

    5 Tablespoons of American cheese or other cheese that you like (grated or cut into small pieces so it well blend well and melt easier)

    stick of butter (cold)

    5 strips of bacon

    Salt to taste.




    In a large saucepan, Place your cut Platano bananas and add sufficient room temperature water (or from tap) to cover the bananas for boiling. Add 2 teaspoon of salt to the water. Cook or boil the bananas for 20 or 25 minutes, until soft. You do not need to boil the water first, simply place the bananas on the stove with water to begin.


    Add additional water to replace the water that has boiled off, and with a lid now on the saucepan, cook for another 15 minutes.


    Remove from the stove and drain off the water in your saucepan completely. Mash the bananas with a potato masher (or something similar) ~ adding the cold water from the refrigerator, cup of whole milk and your cheese that you like (you may also add chopped sweet onions if you like). After this mixture has come to the consistency of what else ~ mashed potatoes ~ Add stick of lightly salted butter.


    In a frying pan, fry the 5 bacon strips. Drain off the fat from the bacon and add it to your already prepared Mangu, blending well with a wooden spoon. If you like, you may also cut the bacon into small pieces and add this also (this is optional)


    Your Mangu is Ready!

  4. my memories mostly include

    all the great gigs we did there

    - especially the All-Dayers

    The 1st ever AUBL gig was at the old drakes (sirius, quik, bad karma)

    and the 1st ever AUBL All-Dayer was on Dec 29th 2001 (which was also metal militia and hot mangu's 1st ever gig...)

    it also featured 48k, de Barros, Psycho a go-go (acoustic), Black Atom, Liber8, FeSTR

    and probably someone else i've fogotten.. Deadloss maybe..? i dunno

    one of our all-dayers was supposed to be the opening weekend of Dr. Drakes

    but it turned out to be the last ever gig at the old drakes (nero were the last band on)

    it felt quite strange saying goodbye to a 2nd drakes the other week...

    i remember when i paid dr. drakes a visit one time when it was still being put together

    lot's of painting and wiring going on... then the opening night with inept 303 and stuff when they couldnt serve any alcohol and we all got free punch!

    and subsequently very drunken...

    AUBL Poll:ution gigs

    which were both awesome i seem to remember...

    Doing the lights for HMG, Black Atom, 7 Stone Under, 10 Easy Wishes etc. back in the day when all

    of the lights worked properly...

    and one time when 7SU were about to play and we made it all dark in drakes and me and alex (who is now the 7SU bass-player) put on some freaky music and stuff... and scared everyone... which was nice.


    and this one time, after an AUBL gig.... me, jimmy, nicky casino and *insert barman name who i cant remember here* stayed in drakes until about 6am... *ahem* *whistles innocently*


    seen a ton of ace bands...

    seen some pretty bad ones...

    been there when it's been rammed

    been there when it's been empty

    put on good gigs

    put on (a few) rubbish ones

    i could probably go on all day.... and night... about good times

    but i think it's time too start looking forward

    because i know that the drakes team would want us all to take what we've learnt from them and try and make a difference too... somehow... in whatever way possible... or something... i guess..


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