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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. I got this book for Christmas... well OK I bought it for myself... but it's pictures of how Aberdeen used to look before the council granted Stewart Milne exclusive rights to knock it down' date=' sell the granite blocks to Europe, and build something prefabricated and harled in white, that looks nothing like the buildings around it (ie old Post Office in Crown Street) for half the proceeds, then sell them for 250K each.

    So my recommendations would be:

    1) Put Stewart Milne up against a wall. Have Garth bugger him, then shoot him in each kneecap, each elbow, the crotch and finally the stomach. Then force him to eat his rug. Finally drop a 100 tonne white harled breeze block onto him from a height of 200 feet.

    2) Lock all the councillors in St Pigsty house and demolish it.

    3) Then use their life insurance policies to rebuild Aberdeen exactly like it was, because believe it or not even as recently as the 1950s it was still a stunningly beautiful city.

    4) At the very restore Virginia Street, Marshial Street, Shore Brae, Trinity Quay, and Regent Quay back to how they were pre 1976.


    couldn't agree more

    that horrible block of student flats next to safeway is the worst

    i got woken up every single day when they were building it cos i lived across the road at the time... it was a terrible inconvenience !

    and it looks nasty

    - and what's the deal with that big metal thing perched on the roof?


    i can't help feeling that if those areas did get a bit of a facelift it would result in some shiny black metal posts and boxes of plants getting thrown along the pavements

    and a bunch of trendy bars and shops getting built (cos you can never have enough of them)

    and maybe... if we were really lucky... some 'Executive Apartments'


    what a time to be alive


  2. well....

    it just so happens that we quickly threw together a website for them the other day

    - in truth, there isn't much on it (still a work in progress...)


    i've got them set up with a purevolume account

    i.e. mp3's available

    (as soon as the page has been activated - might not be till tomorrow)

    but there will be 3 tracks on there when it's up

    goto -- http://ghostofbongo.aubl.net and go onto the downloads page...


  3. Be honest and realistic... in a global sense' date=' the vast majority of Aberdeen bands are very un original, under rehearsed and unprofessional.

    This is sometimes a good thing mind you, the ramshackle thing works for a few bands I've seen, but mostly, it's all very amateaurish and local orientated level.[/quote']


    how many aberdeen bands have you seen ?


    do you think it's any different anywhere else ?

  4. Hi,

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    its something that will be worked on all the time

    so it'll always be changing

    right now there's not much on it

    but after the tour in Feb there will be a ton of stuff up there

    as everything is getting filmed, photographed and recorded in one way or another


    join the mailing list..

    then we'll send you a password

    and then you'll be all set!


  5. you'd be surprised actually. a lot of the girls i went to school with were really judgemental over looks and really competitive with one another. there were a couple who' date=' in the run up to our christmas ball, visited tanning salons during their free periods at least once a day. the result? showing up to the dance having completely changed race. the tarty ones were always the girls who labelled themselves as popular, despite no one else in the year actually liking them. i was the token rock chick who ignored the majority of them, and to this day have never been on a sun bed.

    having said that, there's a considerable number of state school girls you see going about, tarted up to the nines, so it's not just albyn who's guilty.[/quote']

    yeah... no matter what you try and do.. they'll still be girls...

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