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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. We've had a few cancellations here and there for our Xmas gigs...

    i've been frantically e-mailing bands all over the place..

    but i just thought i'd throw the offer out there to everyone

    we have a couple of slots free

    on the 27th and also on the 29th of December

    at Dr. Drakes

    any bands interested please e-mail us here --- rico@aubl.net

    dont reply to this thread cos i'm on holiday at the moment and have limited internet access



  2. Damn you! You beat me to it! I so thought I would be the first this time... arse.

    It's kinda heavy' date=' but not really lying.

    I have flyering tonight.


    yep.... i have a big window

    it's mostly just raining a bit now...

    was quite wild for a minute tho

  3. our copy comes up with a Red Screen sometimes

    saying 'please insert playstation or playstation 2 format disc'

    but alex thinks its cos he accidently knocked it over when playing it one time...

    although other games are ok...

    - and it crashes if you leave the credit rolling at the beginning

    i often have fun standing at my house up on the hill

    if you go over by the edge and look down onto the road then you can just stand and shoot stuff

    the police cant get you because they try to drive up the hill... which doesnt work

    so they're all sitting ducks...

    standing on cars and starting a ruckus is also fun


    the best one is this...

    getting into the Harrier Jump Jet

    and flying up.... and up... and up... and up.... until you can't go up anymore.... then jumping out, sky diving and then landing in the sea - we did it a heap of times and sustained no damage whatsoever...

    - the parachute is also much fun

  4. Vocals - Shagrath (Dimmu Borgir)

    Vocals - Frank Casillas (Voodoo Glow Skulls)

    Guitar/Backing Vocals - Robb Flynn (Machine Head)

    Guitar/Backing Vocals - Eric Melvin ( NOFX )

    Bass - Matt Freeman (Rancid)

    Drums - Joey Jordison (Slipknot)

    Drums/Percussion - Riley Breckenridge (Thrice)

    Percussion - The Drummer Of The Berzerker (The Berzerker)

    Dj - Sid (Slipknot)

    plus The Brass Section from Big D and the Kids Table

    Chris Bush - Saxophone

    Paul E. Cuttler - Trombone

    Dan Stoppelman - Trumpet

  5. oh dear god

    did nobody read my post?

    i quite clearly said that the whole of Aberdeen doesnt use this message board

    how many people have actually replied in this thread? 10? 20?

    i remember this one time

    we had over 300 people in Kef watching 5 Local Bands

    there's a ton of people in Aberdeen who have worked damn hard over the last 4 or 5 years to greatly improve the amount of opportunities available to local bands and artists

    Mr Bloodstock guy.... step back and have a think about what people are saying (but more what i'm saying!)

    If you want a gig to work

    you put the time and effort in to make sure that everyone knows about it

    the people who are interested in going will probably go

    Aberdeen's a small place and it's a few hours away from everywhere else

    we all know that... but at the same time i've been to some gigs up here that have been jam-packed with folk

    Biffy Clyro @ Moshulu, Thin Lizzy @ Moshulu, Less than Jake @ Music Hall, Wildhearts @ Lemon Tree, Finch @ Lemon Tree etc. etc.

    There are people in Aberdeen who will go and see bands (i know all of the bands above would be seen as 'bigger' bands but a gigs a gig)

    but not if you come onto a message board and act like a tit

    (if you're still listening your grammar is terrible... please sort it out)

    I even sent you a PM saying that we were available to give you any help that you might want...

    but to say that you're interested in doing this

    and then say your not because a few people gave you a ripping on a message board is just silly

  6. Big thanks to everyone who came along to Heat 3 of the Battle of the Bands Competition

    Hot Mangu will be playing at the final

    So please come along and show your support!

    like this ---> :rockon:

    Wednesday 29th December

    the Loft (in O' Donoghues), Justice Mill Lane (next to the back of Jumping Jacks/opposite Sizzlers!)

    Doors at 8.30/9pm FREE Entry


  7. i forgot to eat my chocolate....

    however my mum had posted an advent calendar to me (cos she's funny like that) and quite a few of the chocolates have got lost inside the calendar

    so when i open the little window sometimes there's nothing there!

    which is devastating!

    however.... with a little shakey shake the tend to reappear...

    which is nice

  8. he's right to worry

    this one time, when i was in Edinburgh cos my sister was doing a show at the festival

    i got refused entry to go and see Alyssa's Wish at Whistlebinkies because i didnt have any proper ID

    - all i had was a prove it card which the bouncers didnt accept

    dispite the fact that it has a photo, my name and d.o.b on (i've since got a new improved one that works much better)

    but the fact is... they wouldnt let me in (although i was 19 at the time) because i didnt have a passport or a drivers licence

    i said... look... i live in Aberdeen.. my passports at home and i have never driven a car - hence have never been assed getting a drivers licence..

    they said... look.... get out...

    so then kris tried to sneak me past them

    and then they got reeeaalll mad

    so in the end we gave up and left

    thankfully we hadnt gone down there just for the gig

    but it was still a bit of a pain

  9. get your sweet asses down to... no wait... Up to The Loft in O'Donoghues tonight (wednesday 15th) and help Hot Mangu tear the place apart!

    like this :rockon:

    what does this have to do with Black Atom


    but i thought... what the hey.. i'll post in here anyways :up:

    The gig starts at 9pm and it's FREE!

    - all you have to do is shout 'Hot Mangu!' at the person sitting on the door when you arrive

    if you have a flyer/ticket thing then give them that too...

    there were a bunch of dodgy indie bands playing last night with Ghost of Bongo

    not sure who won - but if it wasnt Bongo or The Shakes then it's a disgrace!

    cos they were clearly the better of the 5 bands

    tonight there's only 4 bands tho

    the line-up is picked when we get there tonight

    so i cant tell you when they'll be on

    either 9.30 or 10 or 10.30 or 11

    so i recommend getting there between 9 and 9.20

    then having some beers.... and dancing...


    punch and pie.


  10. i think we should all try and understand that there's a great number of people who go to gigs and like rockin' out to loads of different bands who DONT use this message board!!

    i know it's hard to believe

    but there's a world outside this internet thing...

    and if you really wanted to put on big events

    then dont just throw flyers around town, post on the board and expect people to jump up and down

    do promotion in Dundee and the Highlands too

    people from all over Scotland go down to Glasgow and Edinburgh for bigger events

    so why would it not work the other way around?

    something to ponder perhaps

    unplug... go outside...

    (not having a go at anyone btw... i havent read most of this thread... just my two cents)



    and if you want to support the Metal Scene

    get your asses down to the Loft in O Donoghues tonight and jump around with Hot Mangu

    9pm, Free Entry!


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