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Posts posted by RicoAUBL

  1. aww... dude

    i never meant to hurt you

    this was all just for the laughs... y'know

    do you remember when we used to laugh?

    sure you do..

    you were never meant to be at all excited by this post..

    you dont wanna be djing on your birthday tho

    - but.... u will be rewarded if you come along to the gig...

  2. After i posted the message on our forum about Djing at the AUBLooza IV gig at Dr. Drakes on Monday 27th December

    i was sure that loads of people would be putting their hands up

    me, me, me!

    it was going to be a kind of competition

    people would send in their details (as outlined in post) and we would pick the best person for the job..

    but no...

    this was not the case...


  3. there's nothing funny about death kids..


    when the guy gets thrown out of the plane in con air and lands on the car

    that's quite funny... although he was already dead...

    the guy that gets his face shredded up in the wheel of a horse and cart in from hell is probably the nastiest thing i've seen in a film...

    that's not funny either...


    how about when Red dies in National Lampoons Senior Trip after having too many horse tranquillizers and bongs.... while driving a bus...



    got one...

    when they jump of the bridge onto the boat in die hard with a vengence

    and the wire chops some guy in half

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