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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Yeah there was a time a year or two ago when St Mirren were being praised for playing really nice football but that's not really been the case for a while now I think.
  2. Can't be bothered with more homeland. It went right down the toilet.
  3. Roast tatties all they way, at their best they are godly. Roasted is pretty much the best way to cook all veggies. The difference between lame boiled carrots and roast carrots is incredible. They're delicious. Stuffed roast peppers too. Roast everything.
  4. I didn't think he was that bad last night.
  5. Look at the mod with all his rules trying to tell us what we can eat and when we can eat it. Yeah I eat yorkies with chicken but I also wear this jacket fuck the system, stick it to the man, up the punx, yorkies with everything!
  6. Really? I'd have yorkshires with a roast dinner whatever the meat.
  7. Surfing dogs http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/in-pictures-dog-surfing-championships-in-california-8848848.html?action=gallery
  8. She liked to keep her own hands clean but she was very quick to demand someone dead no matter who they were or what they'd done. If it protected her she'd get someone to kill them.
  9. I also found it a bit odd that he told her about the ricin, he could have told her without specifying the poison. Maybe he thinks he poisoned her enough that she can't be treated. Even if she does go to hospital saying she she needs treated for it, it would probably lead to a lot of difficult questions for her.
  10. Messi was definitely rushed back last season,hopefully they won't make the same mistake this year, I assume they won't since it's earlier in the season and not such a crucial time. Before Guardiola he was actually a bit injury prone I guess partly due to the fact he was still so young and still needed to develop physically. Ronaldo has hardly been injured over the last few years either, I think it;s a big part of why both have been producing the figures with goals that they have. It makes me very sad to say it but I think Xavi's best days are behind him now. He's still about as safe a pair of feet as you could possibly find but he doesn't turn and move with the ball like he used to and he sometime slows up counter attacks.
  11. Don't get me wrong I think Arsenal definitely have a better chance this year than the previous few seasons but there are a couple of players ox, podolski, arteta for example who I don't think are quite good enough if Arsenal end up relying on them for large parts of the season. You're right though that if you compare with the other teams you could say they all have issues to deal with. Maybe fewer points will be necessary to win it this year and the odd slip up wont matter as much. I think it was more that the irreplaceable players never got injured. Messi always played every minute even if it was copa del rey. Iniesta sometimes did but they had more midfield options back then.
  12. Walcott is shite (most of the time) and Bendtner IS the worst backup in the world.
  13. Every team who has the league in the last decade has had a big squad with strength in depth. The difference between Arsenal's first and second choice in many positions is just too big imo. Maybe the January transfer window could change that. Another striker needs to be brought in at least, Giroud can't play every game.
  14. I'm kind of with you on the first part but I wouldn't go anywhere near the second.
  15. Could be improved by randomly adding some pickled eggs.
  16. I tired re-watching it again one time but for whatever reason lost the urge after a couple of episodes. I might try again sometime.
  17. I really can't see Arsenal winning it. They have a great first 11, particularly in attack but I can't see them coping well with injuries. While I think it will be very tight between the top 6 I think one of City, United and Chelsea will get it together enough to go on a big winning run even if it's just grinding out results and win it.
  18. A very satisfying ending. Jesse killing Todd was the highlight for me but the Walt and Skyler scene was also great. It was pleasing that Walt finally admitted the obvious truth that it was all about him rather than his family. Nice touch to see Skinny Pete and Badger back again. Overall I really liked the final eight episodes, especially the first and last two of the batch. I had some quibbles in the other episodes but they don't seem like that big of deal now that it's all been concluded in a satisfactory way.
  19. Completely right, I'm amazed they would publish something so blatantly sexist. It's not about the quality of football at all, in fact if he was at a match with a crowd of less than 1000 watching a bunch of unskilled men constantly lumping the ball up the park he'd probably call it "real football". He obviously just think women should not be playing football and that's that.
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