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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Selling a guitar to pay to take a girl out when you're 15 The world's gone mad. She should be happy with drinking some cider in the park.
  2. If you miss one you might as well miss them all!
  3. Okay advice but he also said that he'd not come back if he didn't follow the advice. But yeah you make a good point that he probably couldn't contact him even if he wanted to.
  4. Huell escapes goes on a crash diet and grows a beard to become unrecognisable to the chasing authorities, he fleas to europe where he earns a living as pickpocket in various popular tourist cities.
  5. Gray Matter is essential to Walt's story though; None of this would have happened without them. However I don't think he's going back just to get them, really I'm not sure we'll even see them again in the finale, possibly but I wouldn't bet on it. I think that he had for a moment given up after feeling that he'd completely lost his family and any hope of helping them but then his ego which has driven him all along was attacked and this pushed him to continue with his previous plans whether he could help his family or not just pure revenge. I expect to see him go after the nazis and if he does go after gray matter I think he's more likely to try and ruin the company (with bad press maybe) rather than kill one of them. The writing has never been flawless in breaking bad but I don't think this episode is one to attack it with.
  6. Full version of the sky ferreira single and it's wonderful
  7. I don't see Saul's guy giving him another chance at all since Jesse has already ran once and now Walt has gone against his orders and left the cabin too. Plus even if Jesse gets free of anyone trying to kill him the way he's been written the last couple if seasons he's going to feel so guilty that I don't see him putting a lot of effort into hiding and protecting himself. I imagine he'd give himself up.
  8. Does Walt even care about Lydia? I don't see any reason he'd try to kill her. Alive or dead it's hard to see any outcome for Jesse being positive.What the best that can happen for him? Prison?
  9. Really liking this one. I was going to post the track No No but it doesn't appear to be on youtube. This'll do
  10. Sympathy for Walt The cunt deserves all that's coming to him. However I'll be gutted if Jesse doesn't finish the next episode with a solid gold house and a rocket car.
  11. I would have been eligible then! Why didn't they try it on me?
  12. How do you pay board if you don't have a job? And I paid board as soon as I left school but that was okay because I had a job. UNLIKE YOU!
  13. When I was 16/17 I was doing my hardest not to get a job. "work at the weekend and not go to the football? Fuck off!" However I let my guard down just once and the next thing I knew I had a job. I could have had fifty of them if I'd wanted.
  14. Loads of places give jobs to under 18. I'm not sure I really believe you're trying cool thinker.
  15. Mata not even on the bench for fuck sake.
  16. I remember reading somewhere that Gilligan asked for a few minutes extra so he could get everything in so he'll get what he wants and AMC will get to make some extra ad money.
  17. Because they support Aberdeen obviously.
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