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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I would never have guessed that about Actress. Good trivia.
  2. YAAAASSS!!! Maybe she'll have the pop album of the year twice in a row! Someone who should take notes about getting albums out is Sky Ferreira but apparently her first one is going to be released soon, at last. Trailer for a new song
  3. Make it a steak bake and we've got a deal.
  4. I'll happily make a guest appearance for the right fee.
  5. I guess there isn't any rush to get back to it since we have to wait until 2015 for the final episodes.
  6. No user of this forum should get hit by a bus in Aberdeen as thanks to Cool thinker we know exactly where they all are at all times.
  7. What has she ever done to you? I've been enjoying the Ariane Grande album lately, some of it is absolutely terrible, there's a song with MIka but a lot of it is brilliant. http://youtu.be/a230NOapXTs
  8. ok sure those things happen but the idea of the show but saying that's all it's about makes it sound like eastenders or something. I agree that sometimes season six felt like it was going over old ground but that was early in the season and it got stronger and was worth it in the end. The season definitely had a lot to it that was new for the show.
  9. Just been listening to this album, pretty cool http://holypagerecords.bandcamp.com/album/sk-kakraba-band With those tags you know it has to be great or completely terrible, thankfully it's the former.
  10. Disappointingly easy to find. And not even eating breakfast.
  11. Maybe the reason you like the show but not that premise is that what you described really isn't the premise of the show?
  12. Pinball Wizard is old. This thread is for your Keshas, your Girls Alouds and your Nadia Ohs. You're 12 you should love this stuff.
  13. Had that on my to watch list for a while. I watched all of Luther recently, top stuff. I wasn't as fond of the 3 series but generally I loved it.
  14. I'd completely forgotten it was coming but the new Oh Land album is out. Listening now and unsurprisingly it's not as good as the debut but there's some good stuff on it. Sadly nothing like 'Perfection' on it
  15. Seems a bit weird that you'd give up that quickly if you loved the previous seasons. It wasn't the most consistent season and it was quite weak at the start. A step down from the almost perfect season 5 but on a similar level to seasons 3 and 4. Still the best show currently on tv.
  16. Haha, I wasn't entirely serious when I said fed up. But it's not really a choice to read about it or not. Well I could just not use the internet for a while I suppose.
  17. What's so important about a new Grand Theft Auto game? Fed up of reading about it everywhere.
  18. Really not sure which game I'll watch tonight, Napoli - Dortmund is probably the neutral's pick.
  19. Lots of goals last night. I got home at half time and chose the Bayern match which was probably the wrong choice but I'd not seen them under Guardiola yet so was interested to give them a look. Worth it for Robben's goal though, I love a scooped pass. Toure's goal for City was awesome and Real scored a load of good ones.
  20. that guy's voice really grates with me, can't listen to them.
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