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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. The opening track for this is streaming here http://illroots.com/2013/09/16/danny-brown-side-a-old/ and is awesome.
  2. I get you two mixed up all the time.
  3. So AMC are going to split the final season of mad men over two years like they did with Breaking Bad. 7 episodes next year and 7 in 2015. Dicks. It obviously makes business sense but shit for viewers and may even have a negative effect on the show.
  4. New Bill Callahan and The Field both sound great on first listen.
  5. Don't get a credit card youngA, It's a slippery slope. If you're buying from secure sites I really don't think there's much risk using a debit card to shop online.
  6. Saying that either Gerrard or Lampard are / were poor players is just mad. I can only imagine it comes from an extreme averse reaction to the idea they were over rated at times, which they may have been. However they are both great players. Always preferred Lamps myself but that is probably chelsea bias. Scholes is easily top out of those three though. Was it during Sven's reign that he stopped playing international football? Whoever was in charge they were stupid not to use him properly.
  7. I found it odd that he was so upset that Hank died, it didn't fit with how they'd developed Walt over the season so far. I watched the episode again last night to see if I'd been unfair on it the first time. It's great tv but still don't think it's special by Breaking Bad standards. Definitely think it was a huge mistake having Hank die at the start of this episode rather than the end of the previous one.
  8. I wish I'd been able to watch all these episodes in one binge session than waiting a week between them all. I think I enjoyed the show more when I was steaming through seasons 1-3 very quickly than going an episode at a time with the last couple of seasons. I definitely think Hank's death would have had more of an impact on me without having a week to think about it, sure that it was coming.
  9. I wanted this to be so much better than it is. Really felt like it should have been too, it has a lot going for it but it just doesn't work.
  10. Yeah but that just sounds rubbish. No fictional antics in LA or Miami? I'm not watching.
  11. No joke, you'll see that picture right before the credits on the final episode. If you don't, I'll eat my hat.
  12. Just found this picture from the final scene of the show. Unbelievable what it shows, would never have thought it would end this way.
  13. Oh right. Did they ever have a cool tv show like the original s club did?
  14. I'll give it a go but based on previous interviews I've seen with him an hour might be a bit much. I don't like his voice.
  15. They're not rocks, they're minerals!
  16. So the new Arctic Monkeys album is brilliant. I wasn't sure on my first couple of listens but it's quickly grown on me a lot. I imagine it will have a high place in my end of year list.
  17. I thought it was alright and I don't even like Guinness!
  18. I can see what you mean, I loved the colloseum though.
  19. Which major tourist attractions have you been underwhelmed by?
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