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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Korma isn't bad but I just can't imagine why I'd ever choose it when there are other curries to choose from.
  2. But you work in scary America where being off work for any reason whatsoever is a sin worthy of hell. It's quite normal to get full pay for a period of time, isn't it?
  3. That's ridiculous. It's going to be Jesse waking up in Chemistry class after having the weirdest dream about his teacher.
  4. All the thieving cunts in this city. Got my phone pinched out my pocket last night and I'd only had it just over a month since my last one got nicked. At least I didn't get punched this time.
  5. Season 5 has definitely been the fastest paced season of the show. I don't see how anyone could say different. Season 4 went at a snail's pace for most of it. Not in a bad way. There's definitely a different feel to the show but that had to happen as Walt no longer has a villain to fight against, he is the villain.
  6. I'd say they've been some of the strongest. What do you find so different about them compared to before?
  7. I should have learned not to look at the actual facebook page.
  8. That's my one exception too. I'm glad to find some people who think the same as I usually get looked at like a right weirdo whenever it comes up.
  9. Bloody hell, who isn't these days?
  10. I think Lineker is a decent presenter and could be better if he was working with better pundits. I don't think there's much hope for the bbc football coverage though. They push people like Savage and let Lee Dixon go.
  11. Alan Hansen is leaving MOTD after the world cup. YAAAAAASSS! Used to like him but he should have gone about a decade ago. Sadly he won't be replaced by anyone better.
  12. Had to go back to the original post to see if I could make sense of it now with the translation. Cool thinker you don't like the Jurassic Park or James Bond music? What the fuck is wrong with you?
  13. I have never been so confused in my whole life.
  14. My excitement for the Danny Brown album has just doubled after seeing the amazing album cover. http://instagram.com/p/d2iajsFhxB/
  15. If it wasn't clear, I don't like seafood.
  16. I'd neg rep the shit out of those posts if you weren't staff. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen online. You should be locked up. Anyone who eats that vile stuff should be locked up. Everyone else probably disagrees with me but that's ok because you're all scum.
  17. That sounds like a ridiculous reason but I'll believe you.
  18. Quite an extreme case shown in that picture but I don't see a big problem with leaving a bag at the side of the bin if it's too full to get another inside.
  19. Thanks cool thinker. Still waiting to hear why Aberdeen were playing tonight?
  20. I think it would be the best move for him to stay.
  21. He's said he feels like trying something new and will leave when his contract finishes. However there's a lot of talk that he doesn't get on with Rosell and has felt undervalued in recent years and that he's given the credit he deserves. Barca have certainly needed him in the last few games. Not against Levante though, because Levante didn't touch the ball. Can't really blame him for fancying something else, he's done all he can with Barca and he might get a bit action with some other teams.
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