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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if Barcelona made an attempt to get De Gea next summer when Valdes is off. Valdes has been on top form lately, I hope he goes somewhere decent when he moves.
  2. Haven't heard from them in a while thankfully. Wasn't he voted best keeper in the league last season? Should have been. Why are the dons playing against some vikings tonight?
  3. I thought the same but I did not snigger.
  4. It would be. Shame Moyes will start Giggs and Young.
  5. New Arctic Monkeys is streaming via itunes. I listened to it once yesterday, sounded pretty good although I would have liked more stuff like the second half of Suck It And See.
  6. My biggest hope is that Moyes sees Fellaini as tough enough for two and he'll let Kagawa on the pitch to be ace even if he can't beat anyone up. And I don't plan on reading any United forums because they can't possibly be as entertaining as Liverpool ones during their best/worst moments.
  7. New Janelle Monae streaming here http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2013/sep/03/janelle-monae-electric-lady-album-stream
  8. I haven't seen that much trash talk about Fellaini himself, mostly just about the shambolic nature of United work in this transfer window. If they'd bought him in July (when he would have been cheaper) it would have looked fine. I disagree about him never playing a bad game though. I felt he quite frequently put in lazy performances, seemed like he couldn't be arsed. Good in the big matches though which is most important for Man U I suppose.
  9. Pretty much all customer service here is quite shit. Vodafone have been the most consistently annoying for me both in person and on the phone. One time I went into the shop about a simple problem. As soon as I started speaking to the staff member he told me I had to go see the people upstairs. Unfortunately it was really busy in that part so I had to wait ages. After about 45 minutes I finally got to speak to someone, the same guy! He'd apparently come upstairs to help out because it was so busy. He then actually listened to me and, I could tell he was completely embarrassed about his, he told me I needed to go see the person downstairs.
  10. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy has released a new album. The only problem is, it's only available on tape and vinyl in one record shop in Kentucky. http://instagram.com/p/dXuhXaFi4F/ https://twitter.com/astro_black_/status/370974735439757312/photo/1 I'm sure it will surface online eventually though.
  11. Baines is already quite old for a big name Man U signing. I really don't see the value in going for him in a year's time. Coentrao on loan with a possible permanent deal following would have been much better business if they'd got it done in time. And Moyes just needs to play Kagawa ffs. Ditch giggs.
  12. That's brilliant. I wish she'd been around last time I got my phone nicked out my hand. If there had been any cctv around I would have looked much less impressive.
  13. United fans are going into meltdown about this transfer window now. I'd agree that united have looked a bit stupid during this window but some people are going over the top. United are not going to finish outside the top 4
  14. Mata to Paris? What the fuck is Jose thinking? Totally idiotic move. JOSE OUT! RAFA IN!
  15. Latest episode was a bit of a step down from the previous three. A set up episode really. I didn't really like Skylar pushing for Jessie to be killed. I'm finding it hard to buy her transformation into Walt's evil sidekick.
  16. And the price is just mad. After Ronaldo I couldn't imagine the record being broken for a long time unless Messi decided to leave Barca or something.
  17. Arsenal spending over 40 million. Never thought I'd see the day. Great signing though even if it's not perhaps the area Arsenal really need to strengthen. I don't really understand the Bale move really. I'm not sure why Madrid want him and are now happy to lose loads of great players they already have.
  18. Not even on the bench yesterday which is completely ridiculous. Disappointing day of football really, both matches were quite shit.
  19. With the new dictionary definition you can't say they're wrong!
  20. I'm excited for the football today. I'm going to sit myself on a bar stool and drink beer until it's all finished. The matches had better not be shite.
  21. I can't remember the last time a club did such good work in a transfer window. Spurs have done incredible business. You've got to say Levy is doing a fantastic job. Still, I don't think they've used the Bale money quite as well as Liverpool spent the money they got for Torres.
  22. There was neg rep for ages before. Cool Thinker just joined in a brief period when we were all free from persecution.
  23. Jesse has been brilliantly serious in previous seasons too. Best of all here
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