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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Going through to Glasgow this afternoon. Drink at a friends place tonight, don't plan on it getting too messy. Tomorrow got a big group of people going to this http://theelectricfrog.co.uk/ which should be awesome. Sunday will probably be finishing what Saturday started and then dying and sleeping.
  2. John Hartson failed a couple of medicals including one at Rangers not that long before he signed for Celtic and started banging in the goals. Jose not liking Mata is one of the worst things to ever happen in football and makes no sense.
  3. If Higuain is 35m and Suarez is 40m+ then it doesn't seem too far off.
  4. I think it's stupid to say someone isn't a musician just because they make their music in a different way than you think they should. And I'd like to know why Daft Punk are an exception, because you like them? So maybe people can be called a musician but only if you approve of their output?
  5. Definitely. I can't see Real letting HIguain and Benzema going without getting someone else in.
  6. I don't have a problem with it really. The Knife's current live show has attracted a lot of discussion due to the fact that much of the music isn't being played live, at some points there are mimed vocals and at times you can't tell who is playing anything and it is more of a dance performance. After reading about it I was a bit wary before seeing them at primavera sound but in the end it was probably my highlight of the festival. I absolutely loved it, had a cracking time. As for the question about DJs, that's an entirely separate issue. What do you mean is there such a thing as a live dj? All of them? If they weren't djing live that'd surely jsut be sticking on a playlist. Anyway imo a techno dj, mixing different part from different tracks to make a new whole, is doing as much live as other musicians.
  7. I've been watching Northern Exposure. The style of tv does seem very much of its time but it's held up well. I'm enjoying it. And in other exciting news, Bake Off is back!
  8. I think there's good reason for people to say that though. The internet and various modern technology we have now is incredible but I'm very happy that I had my childhood before it took over my life. I'm certainly happy facebook wasn't about when I was at school.
  9. I've definitely liked season 5 more than 4 and don't agree at all that it would have been better to finish it there. Sure one part of the story was wrapped up but I'd have been very unsatisfied if we never saw Hank find out. The whole point of Walt's arc was for him to become the villain, I think this final season was very necessary.
  10. Shit, that sounds terrible. Sorry to hear that and I really hope it doesn't turn out to be permanent and you are able to recover sometime soon. Very scary to think though that it's all caused by taking some antibiotics supposed to help you.
  11. Hasn't he apparently been sulking around on his own talking to nobody at Spurs? And I doubt he's been oblivious to his agent whispering to the press. I don't mean to really have a go at him but I don't think he's deserving of any special praise.
  12. I'd say it was just as good. The opening with the money and Jesse was cool. The scenes with Hank & Skylar and Marie & Skylar were done excellently. Todd's reappearance with Lydia was great too. The episode was always going to be about the family's reaction to Hank's discovery and I don't think they could have done it much better.
  13. City were impressive, Newcastle were really shite.
  14. Heard very good things about William Tyler's album Impossible Truth; So I'm listening to it now and I'm enjoying it a lot.
  15. Fulham have got Bent on loan from Villa. When they feel like it they probably will bang in a hat-full of goals.
  16. The gay fan fiction This is amazing tv.
  17. I'm watching it now. Fucking mental.
  18. I saw the ad for that and thought it looked like good viewing. I'll maybe watch it tomorrow.
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