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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Legally sourcing it to my laptop right now.
  2. I want some of that. I've had much more unexpected monetary losses rather than gains lately and they are not ace-ic. Not ace-ic at all.
  3. This sounds quite interesting, think I'll check it out.
  4. Well if I know anything about American tv, it being cancelled must mean that the show is brilliant and will only truly be appreciated in 10 years time. Or it's just really really shit.
  5. I think Fulham might struggle. They were utter pants for for seemed like forever at the back end of last season. They be bothered just enough to stay safe again but Idon't see them troubling the top half. I hope the new teams can make a good go of it but I think it might be the weakest 3 to come up in some time.
  6. Is that new! It looks amazing. I have never heard of Happy Endings but might give it a try.
  7. Undeclared is a good recommendation but I've already seen it. I watched it basically as a sequel to Freaks and Geeks.
  8. I'm not sure if I could take it seriously after all the community references. But I'll put it in the maybe pile.
  9. I need a new sitcom to watch. A Modern Family, Parks & Rec type. Something I can whizz through a few 20 min episodes without having to invest too much in. Any recommendations?
  10. Well that would be the AMC trinity I guess. The trinity named in the Guardian article is The Wire, The Sopranos and Mad Men. She suggests that Breaking Bad doesn't get a place because of its lack of strong female of the species characters. Fwiw I think she makes the 3 right choices but they should be joined by Deadwood and Twin Peaks in whatever five holy things would be called.
  11. The Ramble was back yesterday and today Football Weekly has returned, it now feels like the season has properly started!!!
  12. I think he has to be given a lot of credit over the Bent / Benteke issue last season. He got a lot of criticism for trusting Benteke at first but in the end his goals probably kept them up. I'd be quite optimistic if I were a Villa fan this season.
  13. I don't really agree with it entirely either, I posted it since it seemed relevant to the discussion about Skylar. Plus I found all the references to the holy trinity of television a bit silly.
  14. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/13/breaking-bad-no-real-women
  15. I'd disagree and say he was the villain for season 5. With Gus dead Walt is now at the top and he's doing horrible things not to protect himself or people close to him but just to make more money than he could possibly need and to enjoy wielding his power over others. He won't let Jesse do what he wants, he doesn't care about the innocent boy being killed by Todd, he kills Mike. This season has definitely been a turning point for me, I'm rooting for Jesse and Hank, not Walt. I think it's similar to the Sopranos. Early on you want to hope that Tony has some good in him but by the end of the show you just have to accept he's a dickhead. I'll just have to ignore the Youth Adolescent comment or I'll spend all day
  16. I listened to some Animal Collective today which I hadn't done in a while.
  17. That pillow scene was in like episode two or something. Surely she deserves a bit more sympathy now that she's effectively been held hostage by a murderer?
  18. I found Skylar extremely irritating in the early seasons. In the first couple of seasons it's easy to excuse Walt's criminal behaviour. You want him to be successful, to earn money to help his family. All Skylar's presence does is make it more difficult for him. She gets angry at him for things he's essentially doing to help her. I think it makes sense that I and others took a dislike to her. However my attitude changed once she started helping Walt and then more so as Walt's behaviour got more and more cruel. I find it a bit odd that it seems most people have stuck to their original opinions of the character and not warmed to her in the same way I have. Having said that she can stil iritate in certain scenes (shut up shut up shut up), but in one season 5 episode there was a very creepy scene with Walt and Skylar in bed and afterwards I read a couple of comments online by people say they'd hoped Walt was going to rape her.
  19. Apparently it was in the Sunday Life which is the Sunday edition of the Belfast Telegraph. I'll be looking to them for all transfer stories in the future.
  20. Just realised that it's a couple of months old. Still funny.
  21. Jamie Redknapp has literally changed the dictionary http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/13/literally-broken-english-language-definition
  22. "and that" being punctuation, grammar and just generally using words correctly?
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