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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I didn't know he has a scat song but I certainly don't want to hear it. Anyway here's a new single from Rose Elinour Dougall from her upcoming new album. http://snd.sc/16MDA6U
  2. Obviously Lydia and whoever she is involved with will have a big part to play too but I think Lucky is right that Walt vs Hank will be the main focus. I'm very interested as to what Jesse's involvement will be. I'd guess that Lydia will go to him next to try and get the product back above 60% but I can't see any reason why he'd get involved again.
  3. http://www.2dopeboyz.com/2013/08/12/big-sean-control-hof-f-kendrick-lamar-jay-electronica/
  4. If we take this flashforward as happening just after the one from the start of the season then I'd say he was on the run but something has made him come back. Come back and get a big ass gun and some ricin.
  5. I hope she puts a bullet in Walt's face. Actually I'd like Jesse to do that first but she can make sure he's dead.
  6. Well she doesn't have to phone them. Not a big deal really.
  7. Yes Stroopy, the new episode was number 9 of season 5. That reveal in season 4 wasn't really a shocking moment for me. I don't remember it as a huge Breaking Bad moment.
  8. I'd probably say season 2 is my favourite of breaking bad actually although I think 5 could top it. However if I get more specififcI think the final two episodes of season 3 might be the absolute peak for me.
  9. Wasn't one of the early seasons shown on channel 5? It is really strange that Sky didn't pick it up once it became very popular though.
  10. The Heisenberg grafiti was another thing that made me think the story must be big news. It suggests that the kids or whoever that have been messing the place up now why the house is vacant and who lived there before.
  11. Is anyone watching The Bridge? The US version I mean. I've not seen the original but I'm enjoying this a lot. 5 episodes in it's shaping up to be a great first season. I've also just started watching Top Side of the Lake which has intrigued me almost straight away too. It stars the actress who plays Peggy in Mad Men and I've been very impressed how after just a couple of episodes I'm fully accepting her as this new character and not thinking about Peggy.
  12. I assumed that it meant that Walt was in the news. Maybe the cops released details to the press as they tried to track him down. Meaning that his family moved away from that house to go somewhere where they weren't known. I thought the neighbour was scared of him because she thinks he's dangerous rather than thinking he was dead. Or maybe Skylar is in witness protection or something.
  13. Good decision. I've always said the mods do great work around here.
  14. I'm not sure. The only way I can see it happening is if Walt tells him. Which might happen, maybe if their relationship completely deteriorates and Walt just wants to be a dick.
  15. Yeah that was brilliant. As shocked as he was by the revelation Hank still thought he could tell Walt what to do and then suddenly Walt turned and Hank got a taste of Heisenberg.
  16. I wasn't expecting that to happen so soon either but I'm delighted it has and I think it actually is necessary to have a satisfactory pace getting to the point we saw in the flash forward.
  17. Here's the Daily Mail blatantly just making things up. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2389606/Manchester-United-battle-Real-Madrid-Gareth-Bale.html
  18. https://twitter.com/WerkhausLTD/status/366925880179695616/photo/1 can't wait for it!
  19. I can't buy a ticket for the Dons - Celtic match on Saturday because I haven't been to enough games recently or some shit. Boooooooourns.
  20. New Breaking Bad was great. Couldn't have asked for more really, very excited about the final episodes now.
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