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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm not sure I'd ever used the internet at 15. And I think that was a very good thing.
  2. It's classic forum bants and you can't stop it!
  3. I saw Floating Point in June. It was brilliant. Tomorrow I'm a groomsman at my friends wedding, looking forward to it a lot. I know there's some folk I haven't seen in ages who'll be there so should be a fun day. Sunday will be a day of recovery.
  4. But really did a single person in the world believe him when he said that? He is a bit of a weasly twat though.
  5. Maybe he enjoyed being wanted and valued so highly. Remind Barca that they don't want to lose him again. Or maybe he just didn't think it was necessary. Both he and the club say that he said weeks ago that he wanted to stay. Maybe satisfying the British press wasn't high on his agenda. Would certainly have been less annoying if he had spoke publicly earlier though.
  6. Match the manager with the rant. http://www.theguardian.com/football/quiz/2013/aug/06/football-quiz-manager-rants I did shite, only got 5 correct.
  7. Shock horror, Fabregas has said he wants to stay at Barcelona. Hopefully the press will stop talking about it. Worst transfer story in a summer of absolute shite.
  8. And never see your Enter Shikari collection again, are you sure?
  9. Make a mash up of them both to play together! And for the record I think 2013 has been an absolutely brilliant year for new music.
  10. I don't play music, which I guess puts me in a minority here. Minority of one maybe even. I tried in the past, when everyone else at school was getting a guitar and starting a band I joined in. So for a few years I played guitar a bit at home and sometimes with friends playing original stuff but the truth is it never really did that much for me. Not enough anyway to put in the effort necessary. It became just something to occupy myself when I was a bit bored at home and when I moved away I didn't take any of the guitars I had with me. Eventually I got my mum to donate them somewhere. I love music though, listen to it all the time, I enjoy talking about it and love going out to see live bands or DJs I like but for whatever reason I don't have the desire to create my own.
  11. Same here. Not everyone has want the same things from music. If my mum would rather see some Queen tribute act than to an artistically creative new band than why should I care. Have you tried? You never know. Haha surely this is just trolling? Oh wait are you saying this because Girls Aloud broke up (went on hiatus) that year? Maybe you have a point.
  12. Who needs a brain when you have a 10 year contract to fall back on?
  13. Any time there's a new story about something on television getting a load of complaints the number really seems quite low. I'd be interested if tens of thousands were complaining, not just a couple of hundred bored idiots.
  14. I did find it very annoying before but I've not really noticed it lately so I can't complain about it.
  15. I got such a shock opening the last page of this thread and seeing a post by me at the top. I can only imagine that I was posting drunk and for some reason I thought I knew something about poetry.
  16. Fibrodysplasia Ossi?cans Progressiva could use some extra publicity.
  17. I don't know of any other people from here who would be there but I'm going to be on alert now. I don't get much chance to participate in stalking. Well not of the ab-music kind anyway.
  18. Ah I misread your post before. I'm afraid I'm at a wedding on Saturday so I'll have to give it a miss.
  19. I really couldn't say what my favourite talking heads is. Anything from the first half of Remain in Light would be a good choice but on some days I'd probably pick Fear of Music as my favourite album. And on the later albums when they weren't quite as consistent you still got great tracks Road To Nowhere. No word about her I'm afraid, last update was her saying she was in the studio but that was months ago. I'd completely forgotten about that trash song. I wish you hadn't reminded me of it! I'll be in Aberdeen on Sunday, if Africa is getting played I might have to come along!!!
  20. No drunken sing-a-long is complete without either of them.
  21. I didn't mean to be too dismissive of the attendance. To explain better, reading lots of comments about long queues at the ground and there being a great atmosphere and how it was "how Dons matches should always be" got me thinking about times in the past when I used to get to all the home games and those comments would mean there was a much higher attendance. Realising that the attendance was 13000 was just a reminder of how things have got worse over the last decade which is the sad part. But I wont deny it's a move in the right direction which will hopefully continue if the team gets good results.
  22. And this one too, the last post didn't seem to like 5 youtube videos in one go.
  23. I've been on a bit of an 80s kick the past few days. These classics have been getting a lot of play
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