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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I found it a bit sad that a crowd of 13000 for the first game of the season was considered something to celebrate. A sign of how bad it's got I guess. Good to start with a win though and it sounds like we played well.
  2. Still a bit disappointed that Matt Smith is leaving but I think Capaldi is a great choice to replace him.
  3. I don't think either will happen but if the Bale move happens I still don't see CRon leaving this year.
  4. If Ancellotti gets them playing with the attitude of his Chelsea team in his first year they'll be crushing teams 12-0. And still trying to get more until the final whistle.
  5. We need to unite the two groups. Get an Aberdeen-Music supergroup to record a new version of this classic What is punk? I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck, no more.
  6. YES! They are awful. Thankfully I haven't seen many on my own facebook feed but some people on another forum were complaining about them and posted loads of terrible examples.
  7. I responded in threads he made. And definitely said how much I liked that EP.
  8. I'm not sure it's that nice for the players really. Would be much better for them to stay closer to home. All the clubs suffer from it but it really annoys me how marketing the club is seen as more important than getting the best preparation for the players.
  9. Listening to the song you linked above just now and like it a lot. I'll have to remember to check out the whole album.
  10. He seemed a bit miffed that other people didn't recognise the importance of some of the websites who have started covering his work. But it's not really surprising that people aren't aware of resident advisor for example if they don't like the kind of music it covers. I generally liked his music, in particular the Please Loackah Don't Hurt Em EP. It's bloody ace.
  11. I remember reading a few years ago (while he was at Inter I think) that Mourinho had an approach to pre-season training that got his teams up to full match pace quicker than normal. I think there's a lot to be optimistic about for Chelsea but also there are so many question marks around all the top teams that it really is hard to make confident predictions about how the season will go.
  12. King of Kong Watched this last night after a friend recommending it. I had no idea what it was about, other than it being a documentary. It turns out it tells the story of a battle between two people to have the world record score on the original Donkey Kong arcade game. I thought it was excellent. At times it seems bizarre just how seriously some people take this but the film sucks you in and you end up caring too. By the end I really did care which of the two main guys ended up with the record but I wont spoil it as I'd highly recommend watching it.
  13. It would have done if you'd been quiet about. But now you just look desperate and pathetic. You've embarrassed yourself and the forum. Hang your head.
  14. Losing out for that bastard? I'll be neg repping him next time he crosses my path.
  15. Look at this guy speaking shite and doesn't even have 500 posts. Get him lads!
  16. I didn't realise this thread was old at first when looking through it. I have no idea what picture I posted but I really hope it was this
  17. I might have posted about it before but Natasha Kmeto - Crisis has become one of my most loved albums of the year. I was instantly taken with this track but once I stopped listening to that on repeat I found the rest of the album to be really great as well. Another highlight,
  18. But that's a different issue to what I have a problem with here. It's moderators closing threads just because they've gone off topic a bit that is my only real complaint.
  19. Also fwiw I don't think any issue with the moderation is a major cause of the supposed decline in the forums popularity
  20. What other forums are you guys posting on, mumsnet? This site definitely has the most moderator interference of any forum I've used. I'll admit that isn't many and there's only one other I visit these days so maybe it is just a wild and lawless place which makes this look like a police state in comparison.
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