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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I think you're exaggerating the weakness of their bench a bit. Obviously it is weaker than their first tea, but still they have: Mascherano, Fabregas, Sanchez, Song, Tello, Cuenca and Affellay as well as a few of the others youngsters on the fringes.
  2. I don't imagine Fabregas ever expected to return to Barca and immediately step into being the main man in the centre of the field. It was always going to take some time, now that he's getting closer, it would be mad to leave.
  3. As a matter of fact I think this might be the blackest forum on the internet.
  4. That's right, even the ginger nef c is black.
  5. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with what they're doing just that I think there's 0 chance of the move happening and if they are actually putting all their eggs in this basket it could bite them in the arse later. I could very well be wrong about various things there but I'll guess we'll see in the long run.
  6. But often the club will be in a position where they can't really say no if they get a really high bid. Of course there will be a price Barca couldn't say no too but there's no way United will offer that much. And normally it's the smaller club getting pestered and the power of the giant wins out in the end. Some wee club from the north of england aint got a chance.
  7. I assumed he was talking about the Swedish policeman.
  8. You know how in most countries if you try to film the police they'll beat your or shoot your dog or something? Well not in Sweden, The Police in Sweden are apparently ace-ic. And have good taste in music. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1400401823511454&set=vb.388071227942020&type=2&theater
  9. When it comes to midfielders United have been the daftest club of them all!
  10. It's just never had the feel of a transfer that could happen. United end up with no one, it could be very costly.
  11. Just did a search and it does look like I remembered it wrongly. He didn't say so himself but Vilanova said in an interview that Cesc had told him he wanted to stay. So not the same thing I admit, but I still don't think he has any intention of going anywhere.
  12. What's Moyes and United doing with the Fabregas thing? The club have repeatedly said he's not for sale.I could understand them trying to force the issue if there was any indication the player actually wanted to leave but Fabregas has said himself that he doesn't want to. This story should have been over ages ago. They're just making themselves look like idiots. The shite way the media makes shits up and reports on transfers has really been bugging me lately. I know it's nothing new but for some reason it's been annoying me more that ever lately. For example I read an article earlier about Liverpool and it was speaking about Jose Reina and that he was still looking for a new club after "his move to barcelona fell though". There is absolutely no evidence Barca ever wanted him or spoke to him, there was nothing to "fall through". But of course a paper started a rumour so it became fact a day or two later. That was in the Guardian too who like to think of themselves as better than that.
  13. I find that hard to believe, you live in the north east of Scotland!!! lol lol lol
  14. Favourite album ever If you like OK Computer and Kid A I don't see any reason why you shouldn't like Amnesiac. It has some of my favourite Radiohead songs on it actually, although as an album it is let down by a couple of duds. It could have matched Kid A if those weaker tracks had been replaced by a couple of the amazing b-sides they had for the amnesiac singles. Like or
  15. For me it's quite clearly The Knife - Shaking The Habitual and I doubt it'll change by December. Other top favourites are from Kyle Hall, Charlixcx, Classixx, Maxmillion Dunbar and Daft Punk
  16. I've been watching Star Trek recently too. I fancied watching some Next Generation and went back and went through seasons 3 and 4. Deliberately skipped the first two as it really did take quite a while to find it's feet and those early episodes have dated much worse than what followed. After that I felt like some deep space nine and chose season 5 and now I'm on season 6 which I think is definitely the best one.
  17. That song always sounded like a big radio hit, surprising it took so long really. Think they're finally getting an album released outside Sweden soon too. And Flights did you ever listen to this album? Doesn't feel like I've liked as many pop albums from this year as the last couple, but the Charlixcx being so good has gone along way to making up for it.
  18. How old were you in 2004 Cool Thinker?
  19. Yes, they are indeed terrible. The worst is for the 90s obviously. People who aren't even 20 should not be so nostalgic.
  20. I hope they have a song about the wig sphere.
  21. http://youtu.be/2A6CoUfSjQc Can't wait for his new album coming in September.
  22. Hey Paranoid Android have you heard the AlunaGeorge album? Yeah it's good, especially the first half.
  23. I am confident that I am going to have a nice head of hair well into my old age. In fact it may become the thing I am most proud of when I'm collecting my pension.
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