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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I mostly live month to month. Or at least extra big expenses seem to crop up too often to ever build up much of a safety net. And a stag trip this past weekend has left me feeling like an absolute pauper. To be honest I'm getting a bit fed up of fretting about money and plan on working more hours after the summer to earn more. Need to get over my laziness for that though.
  2. I accept that within Florida law it's difficult to say without knowing all the facts whether or not he should have been found guilty. However that doesn't change the fact that I completely disagree with the laws that allow him to have a gun in the first place or approach him for no other reason that looking dodgy.
  3. Sadly though it's true in all areas. Whether it's institutional racism, political corruption, fair trade etc The media and public will get up in arms over one particular story and demand change but then quickly forget about it and do nothing until the next story comes along.
  4. The last few days have been ridiculous for shite transfer gossip. Even papers which are normally more sensible are printing absolute crap, stories all based off one unidentified source.
  5. According to Chelsea they bid 20m in cash and there was no swap offered. Hope that's true. I can't understand why anyone at Chelsea would possibly consider Mata surplus to requirements.
  6. I'm not sure which club is crazier, Chelsea for making that offer or United for turning it down. Absolute madness.
  7. Do people really still watch Jackass? It's 2013 for crying out loud. And it was pretty shit to begin with. I've no idea what CKY even is.
  8. Everyone always hears my name right and it's gijibblydob shundelghtyf. You must all be mumbling.
  9. They at least had a chance of getting Thiago, it could just get embarrassing for Man U now. They might as well bid for Iniesta next.
  10. Close the site. It's all over now, can't recover from this.
  11. You don't like Flashing Lights, Can't Tell Me Nothing or I wonder? Madness. You're a rubbish person and I'm happy Thiago isn't going to United and I hope United never buy another midfielder ever again.
  12. It's Anderson's year. He will shine at last.
  13. Graduation has some outstanding songs as good as the best on the first two albums imo. A few real duds which drag the album down though. 808s I've never really listened to a whole lot but it definitely has songs I like. MBDTF is fantastic and along with the first two makes up my top 3. Depending what mood I'm in it can be my favourite. Yeezus I'd rank just above Graduation even though its high points aren't so good. Edit - First 2 are definitely the best lyrically though.
  14. Homeless man put under house arrest - on the street. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/homeless-italian-man-serves-house-arrest-on-the-street-8703354.html
  15. So looks like Thiago is more likely to join Pep at Bayern than go to United.
  16. What if it was coming from a friend who knows your taste well and is confident you'd like it?
  17. Definitely his worst lyrically. The music is great though although not quite as brilliant as my favourite albums of his.
  18. Nothing more exciting coming up than this for me. New Actress! http://www.residentadvisor.net/news.aspx?id=20392
  19. Haha, I thought of her when I read that post too. I'm not sure she's be as popular with checking pills though. "Free pill check with every sample of your shite."
  20. Noodles and swedger safety. A business plan to beat the recession.
  21. Oh look who was given more air time. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/katie-hopkins-stirs-up-more-outrage-with-comment-that-gazza-should-crack-on-with-drinking-8700775.html
  22. I have heard that but I still refuse to listen to your work because I don't like the font you use in your signature.
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