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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I got home from work when the second half had just started. I was amazed to see we were winning and I was absolutely sure that if I started watching we'd lose so I decided just to check the bbc updates every few minutes.
  2. If I hadn't already known it, I would never have guessed Samuel L Jackson is a professional actor after seeing that. That was quite bad.
  3. Been listening to it a lot this week and you're right, it is great.
  4. thanks, i'll give that a try later on.
  5. Um. well there's nothing that couldn't be replaced but it would be a massive pain if I lost it all.
  6. I'm having a problem with my external hard drive. A friend of mine had it for a while and I just recently got it back and today tried to use it for the first time. However the drive is not appearing in my computer. It is appearing in Devices and printers and properties says the device is working normally. I've gone into disk manager and it's showing the disk as not initialised and unallocated and it won't let me initialise disk. I did a bit of googling but didn't really understand what I read but I did get the impression it might be fucked. Any ideas?
  7. There was at least one of the many Daniel Mutch gigs that was listed as unknown venue.
  8. Does anyone know if Daniel Mutch has any gigs coming up?
  9. I bought my Primavera Sound 2014 ticket today! Special early price of only 99 euros.
  10. Game of Thrones Robb was probably my favourite character, I'm gutted that he's gone. And Arya was about to reunite with her mum and brother I'm guessing Bolton is going to get Winterfell in whatever deal he's made with the Lannisters. What a cunt. On the upside at least Bran is finally interesting and I didn't expect John Snow to turn on the wildlings this soon. This episode actually was really amazing and action packed even without the final part. Best of the whole season I'd say. I don't like the guy who wants to pump dany though.
  11. Parks and Rec finished about a month ago. The only shows I'm following at the moment are Mad Men and Game of Thrones.
  12. I'll give it a go. Just watched the new Game of Thrones and now feel a little bit traumatized. What the fuck did that have to happen for?
  13. Apparently Dan Harmon has been asked back to Community. Looks like I will watch the next season after all.
  14. Have an affair. Support Sunderland next season.
  15. Silver Linings Playbook - Liked this a lot. In some ways it's just a predictable rom-com but interesting likable characters and some great acting performances made it a lot more than that. De Niro was great. 8/10
  16. Primavera Sound was awesome last weekend. The first night I spent moving from stage to stage quite a lot saw partial rather than full sets. Partly because the Boiler Room didn't stick to the advertised times at all and there was just so much on. The highlights were the small amount of Actress I got, Killer Mike, Fuck Button and Jackmaster's tweak-a-holic set. What I saw of death grips and pheonix sounded good too. The Friday was absolutely baltic which was shite but this was still my favourite day, first I saw django django, solange and tinariwen who were all okay but then things really stepped up with Blur who were fantastic and then after them I saw the Knife. Their current show has been a lot but I loved it and I'd definitely forgot the cold by that point as I was dancing like a maniac. Finished with a Daphni dj set which was also fantastic. After the music stopped on Friday I stayed up a bit too long at a flat party which meant I wasn't really in the best shape for Saturday which was a shame but a couple of acts were good enough to make me stop suffering for a while. Thee Oh Sees were brilliant and I didn't regret choosing them over Wu Tang (which had been the toughest clash decision of the weekend). I managed to see Wu's last couple of songs and they did sound good. I was Impressed by Liars and then sadly very disappointed by My Boody Valentine and left after 4 songs and then moved between stages again for a bit before ending with DJ Koze who was great, highlight of the day. Then I went straight home to bed where I stayed for a very long time. Got to do it all again in 2 weeks with Sonar http://sonar.es/en/2013/prg/sch/?day=6
  17. Couldn't make it very far through that video, it might be a thread winner actually. The article went some way to make up for me having heard it though.
  18. I have never heard of Girls. What is it?
  19. I finished the whole show last weekend! Completely ridiculous but for the most part I absolutely loved it. New Arrested Development coming along on the day I finished was very helpful but now that is done I'm at a bit of a loss. I need something else to occupy my rest time.
  20. Well it probably is better than whatever Will.I.am has in the charts at the moment.
  21. Actually add 100 points out of ten for Isla Fisher
  22. I've been completely sleeping on Joey Bada$$. I've had 1999 on my ipod for ages but never listened to it for some reason. Finally sorted that out this morning and I love it.
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