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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Finished it last night. Overall impression is that it is very good and I'm happy it was made but it had more weaknesses than the original series. I was worried after the first couple of episodes but then it really picked up. The weaker episodes dragged on a little which made me think it might have been better if they'd kept them to the slim 22 minutes as before. The focus on one character per episode worked I think, to an extent. In some episodes there just wasn't enough interaction with other characters. Surprisingly the absolute star of the season for me was George Michael, his and Maeby's episodes were some of the very best. Gob was fantastic too of course. Tobias' first episode was excellent. One thing that also surprised me was just how much of a dick Michael was throughout. He wasn't even pretending like he's the good guy anymore. The way all the interweaving stories work is quite incredible. I can't imagine the amount of thought that went into it. However I do think that the focus on the plot led to some big lols being replaced by smirks and "isn't that clever" thoughts. Overall I'd give it about an 8/10 on the AD scale which would make about a 9.50/10 on the standard comedy scale.
  2. That last part could be their biggest asset if both players are on form. Defenders will be all over the place wondering who they should worry about.
  3. I always thought Neymar would move to Madrid. Mostly because of his hair, he's definitely got a Real Madrid rather than a Barcelona haricut. However, Romario, Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho all played for Barca so I can imagine there is a big attraction for Brazilians to move there. Plus we've got the beach here and we all know those Brazilians love the beach. It will be interesting to see how he fits in. He's more unpredictable than any of the current squad which will change things up in one way at least. The left of the front three is surely where he;ll play which surely leaves Villa on the bench which is a shame.
  4. That was quite the weekend but I really do NOT want to work today.
  5. What time do the new AD episodes become available?
  6. I've already met two people from another forum I post on! Yesterday I saw Pional, Actress, Killer Mike, Death Grips, Fuck Buttons, Jackmaster. Little bit of Animal Collective and Pheonix too. Everything was great except for Killer Mike playing less than half of R.A.P Music. What was THAT about? I will definitely be at the Knife tonight. Let the stalking commence.
  7. Hated the puppet episode.
  8. Maybe they aren't going to play music themselves they're just going to put on a cd and dance in the moonlight.
  9. Jackmaster finished his set with this last night. Super ace-ic.
  10. Better than 3 That's ridiculous. 3 is clearly worse than 1 and 2 but has some classic episodes and at least feels like the same show which I can't say for 4. The best episode of season 4 is probably a 5out of 10 by community standards.
  11. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/anger-at-two-way-toilet-mirrors.21135012?
  12. But I'm not trying to compare the two things at all. Of course I think racism is a much bigger problem. I just applied your reasoning to defending Stoke's approach to something else to try and highlight how ridiculous I found it.
  13. So I hear that this machine is so advanced you can use it to watch television...... on your television I might have to buy a games console for the first time in years. Can't miss out on that.
  14. As ridiculous as defending something for no other reason that "it used to be ok".
  15. Starting the weekend tonight! Primavera Sound
  16. I didn't compare hard tackling to racism at all.
  17. Tony Pulis excuses horror tackles that can break legs but thinks that waving an imaginary card is punishable by death. Total dick. And yeah lots of football fans in this country used to admire hard, physical teams. Lots of football fans also used to think it was okay to throw bananas at black players. Just because something used to be the case doesn't in any way mean it was a good thing.
  18. Yeah calling those two the most boring is absolute madness.
  19. Me too. I just want these next couple of days of work to fly past as quickly as possible.
  20. You coming for Primavera Sound?
  21. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/may/21/jurgen-klopp-borussia-dortmund-champions-league More proof that Klopp is the coolest coach around right now.
  22. This thread was started way too early. It can't be allowed to happen again.
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