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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Martin Freeman is great in The Hobbit.
  2. I watched the match with a Leicester supporting friend and his family who were over on holiday. The end was a bit awkward. Despite Zola being in charge I don't really like Watford. I hope Brighton win the play-offs.
  3. http://www.policymic.com/articles/41177/gas-pump-prank-takes-an-amazing-turn-when-talented-couple-totally-kills-it
  4. Season 4 of community was all pretty bad with the occasional highlight which still wasn't as good as the previous seasons. Not sure I'll watch season 5.
  5. Aquila And the power to be invisible.
  6. With those last couple of questions this is basically back to my old what would you rather? thread. But it should be left dead, I don't need to go back and see what I was posting during a time I was mostly on the board drunk.
  7. I got Norwich too with Arsenal finishing 5th.
  8. And now I've learned that I completely shit myself when I discover that I had wrongly thought the pigeon had gone but had in fact been quietly hiding in my room for 2 hours!
  9. But Mourinho didn't give Casillas his chance in the team, Ferguson did with Scholes and Giggs. Odd comparison.
  10. I have just learnt that when a pigeon flies into my bedroom I scream like a girl.
  11. I'd be shite at everything but I do like to think that I couldn't be worse than some people playing in Scottish football.
  12. I'd probably take virtuoso on one instrument as long as it didn't turn me into a show off twat.
  13. Actually you've just changed my mind. I want to be the best one man band ever. Even better than Dick
  14. languages definitely, it wouldn't just be useful for travelling. If you live in a big city you can find various languages being spoken right on your doorstep. Plus it's been a while since I really had any interest in playing an instrument.
  15. Got a 3 day weekend coming up but still looking to keep it quite quiet. The following too so I am in top shape for Primavera Sound starting in a couple of weeks
  16. Does look like Moyes then. He's coming home, he's coming home, he's coming GIBSON'S COMING HOME!
  17. If I was a United fan I'd be very unhappy if it goes to Moyes
  18. Even Kagawa and RVP. They've only known him for 5 minutes!
  19. Think there's 0 chance of Ronaldo returning this summer.
  20. Moyes being favourite is kind of laughable. I don't think he would be if he wasn't Scottish.
  21. I think Mourinho would be the best in the very short term. He would continue to get success in the next few years and not be affected by the pressure of taking over from Fergie but Adam's right, long term he would be more trouble than he is worth for united. I'm not sure Klopp is likely either though tbh.
  22. Anyone keeping up to date with Mad Men? Don't read if you haven't seen up to season 6 episode 6 The last couple of episodes have been really good but the merger came out of nowhere. Very interested to see how that is going to work out. The look on Peggy's face when she realised she'd be back working under Don was perfect. And here's a brilliant gif of the laugh out loud moment of the season
  23. Relegation battle is going to be absolutely amazing if Wigan win tomorrow.
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