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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'd bet none of us would be around to posting about this if we'd been punished with death for one incident of being a dick.
  2. So Bayern - Barca and Dortmund - Madrid. If Barca get a reasonable result in the first leg I'd fancy them to go through but I could see Bayern getting a good win at home and then closing it out in camp nou. Don't see them throwing away a good lead a la Milan.
  3. I knew I shouldn't have asked, the real answer was always going to be much more boring than leaving it a mystery.
  4. Go on tell us, what did you buy?
  5. I don't really understand how it works but apparently the authorities simply aren't able to shut them down. All to do with this TOR thingy which I'd never heard of until recently.
  6. I only heard of bitcoins quite recently when I read an article about The Silk Road. Is The HIdden Wiki something similar with even less restrictions because you can't buy weapons on Silk Road as far as I know.
  7. I thought it was a good game actually. In the first half especially both sides had periods of looking dangerous and it could have gone either way. However there was a lull at 1-0 before Messi came on when it just seemed so predictable. You're right about Alba, I've not noticed it so much before but last night there were a couple of occasions when I wanted to slap him. Shame since he's such a great player. Pedro can be pretty bad, I still think Busquets gets too much criticism for this. It's understandable since in the past he has had some extremely embarrassing moments but I actually think he's cut it out to a large extent and isn't really a feature of normal game. I might just be a bit biased since I think he's one of the most wonderful players in the world. Really wish Iniesta had got a better shot away after that turn, could have been glorious.
  8. Indeed there was, there are plenty that I love. That's why I sadly had to specify that it sounds like a bad one. You wouldn't have caught Corona releasing this shite I listened to the charli xcx another couple of times yesterday, it's really great.
  9. Since he's definitely going to be around that weekend he's almost certain to do a couple of free shows too. Last year he played in the afternoon at a food market on the wednesday before and at a free beach party on the sunday after.
  10. Richie Hawtin, Maya Jane lColes and Paco Osuna have been added to the sonar line up. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS. Totally made my day.
  11. Nadia Oh has just put a new track on soundcloud. It's absolutely terrible. This has ruined my whole day. I'm not even to going to post a link. It sounds like a really bad 90s chart dance tune.
  12. I like the new Timberlake is ok, some of it is really good but I find some the songs overly long and samey. I imagine that I'll still just go to the first half of FS/LS whenever I want to listen to some Timberlake.
  13. I don't think I've heard it. I don't doubt it's terrible though. Definitely listen to the charlixcx I think you might like it.
  14. The Charli XCX album is streaming on pitchfork. http://pitchfork.com/advance/71-true-romance/ I've only listened once and it's only April but I think there's a very good chance this will be my pop album of the year. The first track is especially great.
  15. The new Thee Oh Sees album is really great. Can't wait to see them at Primavera Sound again next month.
  16. Here's a new entry to the collection of great Phil Jones facial expressions. It might be the best yet. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHW6iI6CQAEqugl.jpg:large
  17. There is so much gold in that article. It's amazing.
  18. The new album from The Knife is by far my favourite thing of the year so far. Just gets better with each listen, amazing stuff.
  19. Yeah it was total crap. I usually still enjoy the weaker episodes but there wasn't really anything good about this at all.
  20. I'm not posting from the UK. You aren't very well informed are you Mr. Thinker.
  21. I don't know why I even clicked on that but I for once was actually really pleased to read "The uploader has not made this video available in your country"
  22. Has Cool Thinker just jumped the shark?
  23. I watched half of the first episode of veep. Don't really have much more to say than that. The Americans has continued to be excellent. People should be watching it.
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