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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I think PSG is about as good as draw as Barca could have got really. PSG, Galatasaray and Malaga are the 3 clearly weaker sides left imo, I could see the other 5 potentially winning it. Absolutely no way Real are going out in the quarters, I expect them to stroll through it really. Bayern - Juve is by far the most interesting tie of the round. And Bale doesn't carry spurs much more than any other teams are carried by their star player, he needs them as much as they need him. AVB deserves a lot of credit for the progression in his game this season for the way hes' set the team up.
  2. I must be out of touch, I thought you didn't drink?
  3. Good song in the advert though.
  4. Look at all this cool stuff I found down at the Marina. It was just sitting in some guys boat.
  5. Bookmark this site, 24 hour Simpsons! http://tgun.tv/embed/simps.php
  6. I thought Season 3 started badly but still often hit great heights. The show's always been up and down really, it wasn't like there had been no bad episodes before season 3. This season so far has been, alright, completely terrible, alright, good. Nothing brilliant but enough for me to keep watching.
  7. Recently watched both series of Fresh Meat. I really liked it. Currently I'm making very fast progress on a Community rewatch (season one is almost entirely amazing) and getting through Desperate Housewives season 3 which is even more ridiculous than the first 2.
  8. And they were also sold in the Merkland Stand at Pittodrie!
  9. Take a leaf out of Snoop Dogg's book and drink Gin 'n' Juice. Gin and fresh orange juice is great. My standard drink to go to after beer these days is Rum and Coke. Can't really go wrong.
  10. You said almost all footballers. Which I don't think is true at all really.
  11. Drogba didn't do it so it's against the heading rules.
  12. I wouldn't jump with my arms by my sides but there's no way I'd naturally jump with my arms out like superman either.
  13. Refereeing is all about interpretation of the rules isn't it? A player having his arms in an outstretched unnatural position is often accepted enough reason to be taken as deliberate. I could see the Rafael one going either way. The red card is debatable but certainly not the supreme injustice some are saying. If I were a Man Utd fan I'd be gutted at going out after playing well in both legs but a bit embarrassed to hold on to that one incident as the reason we went out.
  14. Cannae wait. And Mad Men only one week later!
  15. I did the megabus trip to London a couple of times. It wasn't that bad really. Once got tickets for a pound each way. booyah!
  16. What's going on here? I didn't think people were allowed to be positive about the aberdeen music scene on here. What's changed?
  17. Just learned that this ever happened.
  18. I liked the last Black Mirror but would agree the ending lacked something, felt a little flat.
  19. I've actually only seen the first 2 seasons. Which I've watched recently. A friend kept telling me to watch it, I wasn't convinced but gave it a go. I'd had quite a wrong impression of it, I was expecting it to take itself more seriously. Thankfully it doesn't and it's just completely ridiculous and funny. I'm sure it goes downhill at somepoint so I'm not sure if I'll ever watch it all. I'm going out on saturday night so I think I'm going to get season 3 for Sunday. Perfect viewing for a hangover day.
  20. I've watched the first 2 of the new Black Mirror series. Honestly I hated the first one. It didn't do anything for me at all. I liked the second a lot more though and I'm going to watch the third tonight. Has The Americans been discussed here yet? Is anybody watching? It's got off to a very promising start, I've enjoyed all the episodes so far a lot. House of Cards was great too and worth watching for anyone who likes political drama. Kevin Spacey is excellent in it. Finally I want to ask, what does the board think about Desperate Housewives?
  21. It's got to be having an impact although it's hard to say how different anything would have been with Vilanova there as he hadn't really had the chance to lead the team in a match as important as last night (or Milan) yet.
  22. You're right that not playing as quick is a big factor. When they've been at their best it's been the speed of their passing which really takes them from a toothless tipy tappy team to an incisive attacking force. When they move the ball at speed defenders struggle to keep up and maintain position which creates space for attacking runs and forward passes. At the moment that zip isn't there and top defences can follow their movement and remain solid.
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