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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Also just remembered that Puyol didn't start in that 2011 final. Despite being left on his arse last night he'd still be in the team too. Apologies for the triple post.
  2. I should add that Barcelona obviously have more problems that just wee Cesc being in the team. They look a shadow of their best at the moment.
  3. I think he's still generally very popular and has performed very well at times but most people I speak to wouldn't have him in the first 11. However that is as much to do with the shape of the team. While he's probably still seen as the long term Xavi replacement I'd bet that most people's first choice would still be the team that started the 2011 champions league final but with Alba in for Abidal. WIth Fabregas on the pitch and Villa on the bench the team plays narrower and are easier to defend against. And worst of all Iniesta gets moved out of position to where he isn't quite as effective.
  4. I'm looking forward to that album coming out. Coincidentally she put a new song up on soundcloud just today. https://soundcloud.com/alunageorge/attractingflies
  5. If Spurs get a top 4 place I hope Bale stays with them. I like AVB a lot and would really like to see him get to properly build on this team next season. I like Wenger but it has got to the point that I just don't see him turning it around and I think the team is in need of a fresh perspective. Their failure to win any of the cups of the last 8 (is it?) years is terrible really, when you consider the manner in which they've gone out of these competitions some times. From a Barca view tonight the match was a real non event really. Never in it. The recent decline of the team has been completely exposed in the last week and I really don't see them overcoming Milan in the second leg. Villa needs to start that match, the shape just isn't right with Fabregas in the team getting in Iniesta's way.
  6. It's football that's the joke really. It doesn't matter to Chelsea too much that so much money has been wasted. Despite a mess of a season this year the big money approach has won them a lot of trophies in the last decade and probably will win many more over the next one. Until football is financially fairer the situation wont change and I wouldn't put too much money of fans of chelsea / man city etc being that upset about what fans of profitable but trophy-less clubs think of them. On Arsenal, as good a coach as Wenger has been I really do think it's time for him to go.
  7. I wonder if they'll sell them at Pittodrie like Dunkin Donuts did for the few months their shop in Aberdeen had enough business to stay open.
  8. Both the new eps were pretty good. I kind of think this should be the last season. It seems like a good time with the wedding and it would be god to finish before the quality dips too much.
  9. I know someone who went to no.6 last year and they said it was fantastic. Still loads to be announced but the sonar line up so far has got me quite excited http://www.sonar.es/es/2013/pg/fechas-de-actuaci%C3%B3n_209#.USfZpaWTi24 Going to get my ticket for that after pay day.
  10. Utopia started great. First episode was brilliant but it really went downhill in the last 2 or 3 episodes. I still enjoyed it but I wasn't gripped by it at all. It relied too much on the intrigue built up in the first episode and once things started to be revealed it didn't really have much going for it. This might be a bit harsh but I'm just disappointed the whole show didn't live up to my expectations. Not watched any of the new Black Mirror episdoes yet. First series was ok but a bit hit and miss.
  11. I've had no problems at all with my WD. I got a 1tb for about 50 or 60 I think but it might have been a slightly reduced price.
  12. Just booked return flights to Bilbao for less than 40 euros! Me and a flatmate are going to spend a a couple of nights there and then go through to San Sebastian where we have a friend. Canny wait
  13. Why on earth would you want to work a 15 hour shift? That's mad. I'd need a whole day to recover from that so it would be completely pointless.
  14. If only you had asked for money as your main present from her.
  15. Tonight, stay indoors and watch some tv. Got the latest episode of the Americans to watch and I want to start House of Cards too. Tomorrow. I don't really know. I would have liked to do something outdoorsy during the day but the weather is supposedly going to be a bit shit. Might go out for some drinks at night and see if I get in the mood to do a bit of dancing. Sunday, no idea. No six nations and not really any good football. Shite. Ok Now I'm just about to head out for 1 beer, lets see how THAT changes the above plans.
  16. I should see them at Sonar. Looking forward to a good show, visually as much as musically.
  17. Community was alright. Average episode really. The show's always been quite hit or miss so I'm hopeful there'll be a few top quality episodes to come.
  18. http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/213273-man-fined-200-for-feeding-a-greggs-ham-roll-to-a-police-horse/?no_mobile_redirect=true
  19. No comments on the Dazzler vid? IS everyone away on mars or something? It's tremendous.
  20. It's actually too good. The best thing that could come from this.
  21. I accept nothing. And if it was out for 2 weeks before you knew you must have been ignoring my thread on here!
  22. This approach makes sense to me to me. Obviously only bands in a certain position are really able to do it. Those that don't have controlling record labels and know they can get by without any pre-release marketing. It lets the band do things more on their own terms. Radiohead released the King of Limbs in pretty much the same way although their announcement was a few days before it became available. And on an unrelated note, how many signatures would it take on a petition to get your username changed back to Flights? Also did you not get a good quality download when you bought the cd and vinyl?
  23. I like it quite a bit, obviously need to listen to it a lot more. Complaining about it sounding too much like Loveless is stupid, especially since a) Loveless is probably the reason these people are listening to it in the first place and b) a lot of it does sound quite different.
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