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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Yeah, lucky they weren't playing a good team. United were there for the taking in the second half.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAyBW22kI1o
  3. To be clear I don't mean it's bad, just of the good ones it's at the bottom end.
  4. I've got this on my computer to watch. I've been told by a few folk that it's really good. Last film I watched was Disney's Robin Hood. Despite arguments from friends this rewatch didn't change my mind that it's one of the lesser Disney animations.
  5. So it looks like there's a whole new JT album on the way
  6. Potentially exciting news http://www.factmag.com/2013/01/10/new-justin-timberlake-jay-z-and-maybe-beyonce-collaborative-single-reportedly-due-today/
  7. Atlantic League? What year is this?
  8. Shame when it came to the final they didn't try to.
  9. Good article about probably the most likable team in the Premier League http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2013/jan/08/swansea-city-different-route-league-cup
  10. http://billmoyers.com/2013/01/08/can-the-debt-ceiling-be-avoided-with-a-trillion-dollar-coin/
  11. If you come back to Primavera this year I'll leave photos of parts of my face scattered around the site. You can piece them together catchphrase style until you finally have the full picture and can stalk what you see. @ Bob I'm not sure where the folk night usually is but I was in the wee section just round to the left after you enter.
  12. No chance. Lambert will be there next season.
  13. I went to the world press photo exhibition at the weekend. It was ace.
  14. He's just the most popular, isn't he? So therefore the easiest target. He's also more obviously marketed at the very young than most pop acts and young people liking music seems to irritate some people for whatever reason.
  15. I'm baffled as to why anyone would get that upset over anything on that page. Especially when they're using examples like the Beatles and Elvis. They're hardly overlooked or under appreciated. They were as big as it's possible to be so the fact that some "lesser" act 50 years later has sold more singles doesn't really tell us anything. Except maybe that nowadays more kids today have 99p spare to spend on an itunes download than were able to afford singles in the 50s/60s.
  16. Listen to new Pantha Du Prince (and a great big load of bells) http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2013/jan/07/pantha-du-prince-bell-laboratory-stream
  17. I didn't think anyone ever liked King of Queens. I thought it was just one of those shows made to fill an hour in the Paramount Comedy channel schedule but no one actually watches it.
  18. The graffiti goggles were much better than tags. Because I was here for the goggles. Edit- that screenshot looks fine.
  19. Brilliant goal. RVP's getting the best of both worlds now he's at United. He's still the star bailing the team out of trouble but he's actually going to win things too.
  20. What an obvious upset. Newcastle just don't like winning anymore.
  21. If you are speaking about return of goals then Balotelli was better than both Tevez and Dzeko last season. He was the only one of the 3 to have a ratio better than a goal every 2 games and Tevez didn't even average a goal every 3. Off the pitch Tezez was far worse than Balotelli last season too, with his refusing to play shite.
  22. He did have great games last season and more importantly some very great moments. My Torres comment was in relation to Balotelli and people saying he's never been any good. Torres has had occasional runs of games where it looks like he's finding some form, I'm not sure anyone has really said the old Fernando is back, people have just looked for sings that it might be coming.
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