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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm not sure I've ever actually heard a song of his and I'm not going to start now.
  2. He was up and down but did perform well fairly often last season. That Torres phenomenon works the other way too, just because he's shite at the moment doesn't mean he always has been.
  3. Aye, I was about to say there are many better things to hate Chris Brown for than his fashion sense.
  4. I'm utterly shocked by this revolutionary news that fashions change over time.
  5. Balotelli last season: Played a lot of good football and off the field got up to some occasionally amusing and mostly harmless hijinks. Balotelli this season: Has put about as much effort into playing as I have into eating healthily in the last 2 weeks and off the field been a total twat.
  6. 24th April 2008; the first time cool thinker was ever rick rolled. You know what video is coming at 6pm.
  7. The only other board I use frequently is I.P and I like it more generally. The mobile version is good and easy to use so I'm happy about this change. And I agree about changing the logo.
  8. And has Jake's girlfriend ever had an account here? I don't think so.
  9. We did get his great Essential mix though! A new Rustie album would be great.
  10. What the fuck is wrong with Monopoly?
  11. Banging christmas. I ate, I drank, I ate, I drank, I passed out.
  12. I'm not sure I've ever been paid early in December.
  13. I chatted to a couple but Jan was the only one I could count as a stalk.
  14. Jan. Last night. Drinking in the Prince of Wales. I'd never met him before but last night I met up with a couple of friends who were out with a big group of folk. A while later a guy was leaving ans saying goodbye and people said goodbye Jan. Speaking to other people after I confirmed that it was the Jan of Aberdeen Music. My first contribution to this thread.
  15. Going out to the old local for some boozing tonight. I'm staying at my mum's while in Aberdeen and all of her side of the family are coming here for Christmas dinner plus some others. There'll be quite a big crowd actually, more people than the last few years. I'll see my Dad and hopefully some of his side of the family on boxing day.
  16. Today: I'm off to the Airport! Any other Polish boarders heading back to the mother country for christmas?
  17. Because they couldn't get any good advice on a local music message board about which one they should use?
  18. It should be standard practice that if you ask for a "pint" or a "beer" that you are given the shittiest, cheapest option available. That's what I'm after.
  19. I have. In Ghana, Nepal and Birmingham of all places. PM me any questions you've got. Let's not anger the mods by taking the thread off topic.
  20. I completely forgot about Deerhoof, they can have Yo la tengo's place in my list.
  21. He definitely is. I'm just not sure he's done enough to merit the place in the list. I was pleased to see Pedro get a decent place although his form this season hasn't been the best.
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