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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. And obviously the highlight of her year was her Barcelona live appearance. And by live appearance I mean strutting around on stage in a gay club and miming to her songs for about 10 mins. cost me 60 euros:oops:
  2. Yeah I'm surprised they didn't at least get another single or two out. I'm not really sure they ever had much support from their record company. At least Nadia can't be dropped because she doesn't have one! Not really anyway. No idea what she's been up to. She often mentions on facebook that she's in the studio but she hasn't released anything new since Slapper early in the year. Still Colours only came out last year and there were a few other tracks she put out afterwards up until Slapper. So I'm not worried about her. Anyway I've got about 30 songs from her, I only got 4 from Oh My!
  3. FAO Flights, bad news. I just found out that earlier this year Oh My! were dropped from their record label and appear to have split up
  4. Also I've only just realised that this is the brother half of the knife. So he's not been doing nothing for the last few years.
  5. Homeland read if you've seen the season finale What absolute shite. Seriously can't believe how bad that was. Half an episode of boring shit I couldn't care less about and then just a completely ridiculous second half that completes the total 180 degree change the show has made this season. For most of the season I've accepted the show was moving to a straight thriller as I was enjoying the show at least but this was too far. And,um, the president really wasn't at the memorial himself?
  6. Release date's been confirmed for April 8th and they've said they are going to tour Europe afterwards
  7. The Knife, The Knife, The Knife!!! I'm curious to hear the Atoms for Peace album and I'm sure the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The National will be good. Hopefully Actress releases Ghettoville next year too.
  8. Some good albums in there. However I'd have to disagree somewhat about you wrote for the Sharon Van Etten album. Great as it is I don't think it's actually as good as the previous one. I was initially slightly disappointed with it actually. One of the best gigs I went to this year though.
  9. They've only lost 2 games in their last 11 and those were against city and united. It was always going to take a while to turn the team around after being so awful last year but Lambert is a great coach and I don't think there's any way they'll be worrying about relegation come the final games of the season.
  10. Lambert has got this Villa side on the path to being decent. They'll finish very safe in mid-table.
  11. Probably watched the wire again.
  12. He hasn't released an album but 2012 has been some year for Burial. The kindred Ep from earlier in the year is my favourite release of his and now he's just put out a new 2 song ep which on first listen is absolutely incredible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3pj6LckcjU
  13. She was a fantastic character in season one. Back when she was aware that she should try and keep her craziness hidden as much as possible. No that it seems like she can get away with being a lunatic because she was right about Brody it's all just a bit silly. Also I always liked to think that her relationship with Brody was totally calculated and she only wanted to get close as a way of stopping him. But that's pretty much impossible now.
  14. I'm hopefully seeing it one Sunday, looking forward to it.
  15. Yeah it's good. Fair play to them, a bit of a publicity stunt but it was to get attention for a good cause so you can't blame them and they didn't go lazy and end up with something cringe worthy or embarrassing. They put a bit of effort in and came up with a good song and a good performance.
  16. And it happened! Although it was a new song they played, so it wasn't really as ridiculous as it would have been if we'd got to see Paul singing Rape Me.
  17. this story is great http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-20700529
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