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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. How did I miss this before now? Amazing. And obviously the football thread is the best one.
  2. I've never heard of a chromebook but I will look into it, thanks. Secondary, less meaningful thanks to flights.
  3. Electronic goods tend to be cheaper in Britain from what I've seen and I'll be home over christmas when there should be sales on. Plus I'd rather not have a wonky Spanish keyboard. And for your information here PC World is called PC City!!! You'll thank me if that ever comes up in a pub quiz!
  4. I always enjoyed Traynor's dealing with the numpties on Your Call. Not listened in years though. What was so bad about him?
  5. Can anyone recommend a good inexpensive laptop and where might be a good place to look for good discounts after christmas? I don't need anything fancy, if it can stream footy matches in good quality it's good enough for me. edit- also I don't want to be the new lucky. I want to be able to handle non spoilered gifs!!
  6. On Friday night I learned that it is not a good idea to eat noodles and use a laptop at the same time while drunk and in bed. It ruins the laptop. On the plus side the noodles still tasted ok. Thankfully I've got a shot of an old one from a friend which I can use for a while but I'm still going to have to splash out some cash I don't really have on a new one.
  7. Giant Drag aren't dead? I didn't realise they ever did anything after the debut.
  8. Champion's League is fine as it is just now but it would be ruined by any more expansion.
  9. Turn it back to uefa cup, knockout only, no groups and the tournament winners get a guaranteed group spot in the next year's champions league. Job done.
  10. What's with no one putting a list in order?! I'm not ready to make any year end list yet. There's some albums I'd like to revisit and the new Kesha has only just leaked but from what I've heard it's bound to be top 5.
  11. She bloody samples Sam Cooke. that be old people music!
  12. Yeah it's a total shit of an idea.
  13. This is one of the best things I have ever seen.
  14. A couple of songs from the new kesha album have leaked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg7JPEvPf60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjbKQiISRyA
  15. He's alright, but has had periods of being terrible. I'm worried about what the show's going to be like when it returns anyway but him leaving doesn't bother me too much.
  16. That was me being quoted!!! I didn't post until hours later. I've been reading comments on chelsea/rafa/pep articles and it's amazing how many stupid people there are out there who don't rate Guardiola as a coach.
  17. He's not done anything good in a few years and Liverpool and Chelsea had a big rivalry while he was in charge there. Nobody wants someone they have spent years disliking / laughing being put in power at a team they support.
  18. Rafa. oh Fuck. Today has been a joke of a day.
  19. The challenge 25 thing is complete shite though. Always has been, always will be.
  20. He obviously want's Pep, he wanted him in the summer and he wants him now but as much as I'd love it I don't see him ever coming. Harry would be a cruel cruel joke
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