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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. A manager can't even have one bad patch at Chelsea. It's ridiculous. This is probably the most surprising of all Roman's sackings.
  2. British supermarkets' ID policies are the bane of my life. Or they would be if I didn't live in Poland. I'm 28 but have some probably with it at least once every time I'm back.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20308041
  4. Certainly don't have to worry about the cost of flights when you want to bugger off to Argentina and stop playing for a month or two.
  5. Is that the year the current owners took over and so formed the company in that season or something?
  6. Friday and Saturday: Fantastic Sunday and so far today: Not so good
  7. About to head out for dinner, going to a pizza place. Tomorrow lunch time I'm off to my favourite cava and meat sandwich joint and visiting a few bars with some friends who are in town.
  8. Is there a mod around to clean this place up?
  9. Have you seen The Shield? edit - hey look who's late to the party.
  10. Messi goal is great but Brazil were sitting off him quite a bit. Also doesn't help that he scores so many goals like that it becomes normal. One of the biggest reactions I remember having to a great goal (while watching at home alone, not actually at a game or in a pub) was Cambiaso for Argentina against Serbia. Jumped right off my sofa I did. TOTAL FOOTBALL
  11. In the same interview he said that before yesterday the best he'd seen was Rooney's against city. He wasn't on the pitch for that.
  12. posted this and then went and read this http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/nov/15/steven-gerrard-zlatan-ibrahimovic-best
  13. Of course it's not the best goal ever anyone saying so is an idiot or just over reacting due to the excitement of the moment. However it is absolutely amazing. It has that fantastic quality of completely surprising you and being something you haven't quite seen before. Cisse's goal for Newcastle v Chelsea last year was similar in that way. In fact I probably prefer that goal over Ibra's as it made my mind boggle more. When It comes to best goal ever debates I'll always go for great team goal > incredible individual run > super strikes
  14. This should be in next year's thread, but it doesn't exist yet so here it goes. http://pitchfork.com/news/48382-yo-la-tengo-announce-new-album-tour/ New Yo La Tengo confirmed for January and a tour announced too. Dates in both the UK and Poland.
  15. The police here keep getting away with this stuff. From what I've seen outside it looks as though today has been a lot calmer than the last time there was a general strike but I still came home to see this video from a town about an hour south. Police batter a teenage boy round the head right in front of his mum. !
  16. Video would work better if MTV hadn't started ditching actual music way before the internet killed the video star.
  17. The first time I saw it was on Aberdeen-Music when Soda Jerk used it to display his mock surprise at me saying something supporting the Spanish football team.
  18. I did read your post and you just seem to be annoyed that kids today don't like the same things you and your mates did. didn't say you did
  19. No not that, was just speaking about the kids part. Do you still hang around schools? I hope not. How would you know if they're into music or not. Maybe Belmont Street just isn't the place to go for kids today. Maybe these days they don't make it so easy to identify what they liked as when half the teenagers in Aberdeen were wearing baggy jeans and a slipknot hoody. Such a broad statement as kids aren't so into music these days just seems ridiculous.
  20. And thank fuck for that. what? what evidence have you possibly got to support this?
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