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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Can you please start a "JakeBassist starts a business" thread and keep us all updated on your developments. I don't want to miss out on anything that happens with this.
  2. It's a shame so many pundits and commentators are idiots who can only see things in black and white. I heard that everyone on sky was doing their best to defend Hart for that goal and say it wasn't that bad. It's been decided Hart is ace so he can't ever been criticised.
  3. Decent weekend so far but things haven't gone completely to plan as it looks like I'm about to head to a club alone Music is going to be too good not to though. Last week Bond was sold out so we saw Looper which was great, pre booked tix this time so seeing it tomorrow.
  4. He falls when he wants, he falls when he waaaaaaaaaaaaants......
  5. You'll be a true bug in a minute if you're not careful!
  6. Every time De Gea makes some small mistake it's blown all out of proportion by idiots. A tweet put on the beeb today called him the worst goalkeeper they've had since Taibi. Sure he's made some mistakes but he's also made some amazing saves and got utd some good points lately. He really should become a top top keeper for them for years to come and only an idiotic decision to keep dropping him for the average at best Lindegaard will stop him.
  7. This EP is pretty impressive. Liked it a lot on the first couple of listens.
  8. Bit unhealthy for a doctor is it not?
  9. Just to be pedantic, that's the present perfect, not past. Some good points in your post though.
  10. I just saw that. Is this the first time they've reviewed something of yours? Downloading it right now.
  11. I can kind of see Jake's point about about minimum wage as I'm sure it does result in many "unfair" situations. However I think Alkaline etc are right that there are reasons for it making sense in many ways and that probably on balance it is better having it the way it is.
  12. I don't know what it's like in the UK or other parts of Poland but at the moment here it seems impossible to find a normal pair of jeans in the shops. In every shop "regular" fit means suitable for people with calves as wide as snooker cues. Also pissing me off just now is the endless battle with bureaucracy i'm going through with my insurance claim for my mobile. Every step of the way there's some little problem slows the process down. My laziness in chasing them up doesn't help but it would be nice if they put some effort into doing their jobs.
  13. What if it was in spoiler tags?
  14. Well if you got back that far yeah I though he was just referring to the last few years.
  15. No it's not. Despite the media loving to name them as part of "the big four" they never consistently challenged for the title. They came close one year but generally they were far behind the top 2 or 3 but were better than the rest and able to qualify for the champions league.
  16. NPR has some live sets from moogfest up on their site. Just listened to the Andy Stott one and it's brilliant. http://www.npr.org/event/music/163243014/andy-stott-in-concert-moogfest-2012
  17. Best bit is after taking the can of fosters but not being able to (or maybe not wanting to) down it all in one when they start the chant of "John Smiths. He only drinks John Smiths."
  18. My song for today is one that has been a favourite all throughout the year. Could even be my no.1 track of 2012. Probably between this and Slapper.
  19. Yesterday: Went out to a Mexican restaurant. Very nice. Today: Watch some football. Flatmate's birthday on monday so people will be coming over tonight for eating, drinking and perhaps a bit of dancing. I'm going to bake a cake for it this afternoon. When I say bake I mean stand around getting in the way of my friend who will actually be baking and I'll lick the cake mix bowl clean. Tomorrow: First sunday of the month means it's free museum day here so might take advantage of that and go to something I've not been to before. Cinema for James Bond in the evening.
  20. I was recently told by someone on the internet that Des O' Conner is dead. I thought it was true for almost a whole week. Now I just don't know what to believe.
  21. Look at the boy's nose, does anyone really want him getting your tax money??????
  22. Kendrick's sold over 240,000 copies in the first week.
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