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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. What are your other top hip hop albums this year murr? I haven't really been keeping up.
  2. The new Kendrick Lamar is getting a lot of very good reviews. I've only listened a couple of times but it does sound like a step up from Section.80 which I liked a lot anyway.
  3. Heard about the Radiohead thing before but never bothered to actually make the playlist and listen. Seems a bit wacky to me. Don't really buy it.
  4. Going to check out all that UR stuff when I have more time later. My techno history has a lot of gaps needing filled.
  5. I watched Taken recently too. I'd go more 8/10. It doesn't have Dick Van Dyke dancing with penguins.
  6. Mary Poppins - 10/10 Watched this on Sunday night with some friends. First time in years. Great film, practically perfect in every way. They don't make them like this anymore!!!
  7. No argument from me! Except for the use of LOLZ
  8. That can't be real, surely it's some kind of spoof? Oh wait, it's Phil Brown.
  9. The opening scene with him in the court room was perfect.
  10. I can't see whatever teabags has posted
  11. Latest Parks and Rec was brilliant.
  12. Didn't make it through the first episode of Veep. And I hate saying that.
  13. Homeland season 2 has been mad. Mad and good.
  14. Probably when it was a female streaker.
  15. It was very good but I wouldn't say it was the highlight of the series.
  16. Haven't seen it yet but I'm excited after reading these good things. After an average first couple of episodes I think this series has actually been brilliant. Is there really only one more episode left? Thought there was a couple at least.
  17. Top Man http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/oct/20/leonardo-bonucci-punches-armed-robber
  18. I haven't heard that mash up. I'll investigate later. Got to go out now, all this kesha chat has almost made me late. At least I know what I'll stick on my ipod for the train.
  19. Better than Billy Corgan trollolololol
  20. Yes she writes her own songs (not that it really matters to me) Why would you assume she doesn't? She has not only written hundreds of songs for herself but she also has songwriting credits on other folks songs too. And Tik Tok is very good, better than california girls (the katy perry song, not the beach boys one!), but it's mid tier Kesha at best really. Wasn't Tik Tok out before that katy perry song anyway?
  21. Maybe she is, but she's also an amazing songwriter
  22. I think the main point is that whatever they could or could not be doing it should have been done/ tried years ago. Way too late now.
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