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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Even I know who they are!!! I listened to a bit of that new album. Silly mistake.
  2. Welcome to backtracking 101. Now backtracking on the internet is a lot like a good marriage. Or eating an orange even.
  3. They're not really that similar though are they? And since when are we only allowed to like music by likable people? I'd have to delete half of what I have.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1bfar5V2rI
  5. As much as I wanted to dislike that Jake post about his free watch the other day, I want to like this a millions times.
  6. It's a mid to low lever Smiths song. Strangeways Here We Come is my fave album of theirs.
  7. That's the only song I've heard of theirs.
  8. That Green Day song is bad but they've released a lot worse in recent years.
  9. No I think he was trying to say that your story would make a cute hip-indie film starring Michael Cera and Zooey Deschanel.
  10. I mostly really like my job, it's never boring and I'm happy with the hours I work and what I get paid. At it's best it can be a lot of fun, interesting and not feel like work at all. However, at other times it can be completely infuriating and seem pointless. I've been where I am for nearly 4 years now and I am feeling a bit bored with the school where I work and being with the same staff and students. And making the same train journey out of town every single day. Next summer I'll move I think but I'll probably stay in teaching for a while as I really can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.
  11. Aye that was not a nice one too see. I'm quite queasy and really do not deal well with limbs going in wrong directions.
  12. What do people think about Death Grips? Being cool and sticking it to the man? Or shitey twats out for attention?
  13. Some good tunes soundcloud.com/iambrittlove/music-makes-you-lose-control
  14. Friday: stay in. Saturday : Sunday: Who cares?
  15. I know this is very petty but I have never wanted to dislike a post more than this.
  16. I miss the days when Jake just spoke about poop. At least I could relate to that on some level. I poop too. I haven't had a main present or a bundle of birthday cash in years.
  17. How many fucking main presents are you allowed???
  18. New Parks was good. This weeks episode of The Thick Of It was bloody brilliant. Doctor Who was alright but the ending was a bit shite and not really a satisfactory way of Amy and Rory leaving.
  19. I know it's your gran and I'm sorry she got hurt but does she really need or deserve money from this? Accidents happen. National Accident Helpline, Claims Direct and all this American suing shite can fuck right off.
  20. The official SPL youtube channel. How did I only just find out about this? It's perfect.
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