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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. We played well, should have been up at half time really by more than one but their goal was a belter. Very good day with that and the chelsea win.
  2. Do they put something in the water at Anfield to brain wash everyone there?
  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/25/the-wire-spinoff-david-simon_n_1913004.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment&ir=Entertainment
  4. Friday: Bit of food and a few drinks with some friends. I'm planning on no late nights this weekend but Scuba is playing so there's a chance if I lose my will power that will change. Saturday: Prob watch the Arsenal - Chelsea match. Sharon Van Etten gig in the evening Sunday: Maybe watch some of the ryder cup.
  5. That article is is right on the money. Billy Joe Armstrong is just a complete embarrassment to himself these days.
  6. None of them picks 4 as the best season. Stupid rappers!
  7. I personally always went for one red top, one blue top, a spiderbag and some wmd.
  8. For some reason Lana Del Rey's album is already getting a re-release as Born To Die: Paradise edition. Anyway it's going to have 9 new songs on it. Here are some. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey383WefAPk soundcloud.com/teejsuxx/lana-del-rey-paradise
  9. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/14306-numb/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PitchforkBestNewTracks+%28Pitchfork%3A+Best+New+Tracks%29 New Andy Stott So excited, so so excited.
  10. it would benefit YOU!! But I have sorted a mate to come along. Although I am going to have to pay her entry and drinks to be able to handle seeing Nadia. Why doesn't anyone not from the internet like her?
  11. I would have absolutely shat myself if that had happened to me.
  12. I hate that shite too. Loads of 80s versions too which are equally crap.
  13. NO!!!! Her facebook status last week said Barcelona but I assumed it was just a wee holiday. I've heard nothing of a gig. In fact I've heard nothing of her doing any gigs anywhere. edit - ah there was a link to a picture in the tweet which didn't open right on my phone and it's for the gig. This is amazing news. Shame there's almost no way I'll get anyone to come along with me.
  14. I thought the new parks was okay. I've a feeling it's never going to return to the consistent brilliance of seasons 2 and 3 though. The latest doctor who episode was really nice, best of the season so far even if the ending was a bit shit. I'm looking forward to watching the first episode of Treme season 3 tonight.
  15. I'm sure I was once told that the exact change policy isn't in place on all first services in the country just in certain cities. Which makes their reasoning for it even more interesting, whatever it is. When I was back in Aberdeen recently the last bus from town to my mum's place just didn't turn up. I was at the stop 15 mins before it was due and waited until 20 mins after. Ended up sharing a taxi with a girl going in the same direction and you'll never guess what happened next! I had a conversation with the driver about mysterious cities of gold and other classic 80s cartoons while the girl sat by looking rather confused.
  16. Also MOTD 2 doesn't go on iplayer straight away, goes up on the tuesday after I think.
  17. Try downloading expat shield http://www.expatshield.com/ Works well for me to watch iplayer but a couple of friends have told me they had problems with me
  18. http://www.thisisdevon.co.uk/Drunken-Dartmouth-ferry-pirate-woman-jailed/story-16936249-detail/story.html
  19. I don't care about that! But I will get onto Parks.
  20. Well I'm definitely not watching it then.
  21. More pop! I've just been put on to Thorunn Antonia whose album is definitely my fave pop release of the past few months. Best since Marina's earlier in the year probably. Think it could find a fan or two here. I've been hearing lots of really good things about the Carly Rae Jepsen album but I've not checked it out. Feel it might be a bit too cheesy teen pop for my liking. And the most exciting news today is that Kesha's new album has been given a release date of 4th December.
  22. How can anyone be so desperate for a mirror?
  23. I recently discovered that Venice is shaped like a fish. I feel that I should have known this before but loads of my friends knew nothing either.
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