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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. It's I've just given my first listens to the new Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear and Deerhoof records and all seem really good actually. I'm interested to hear the new xx.
  2. Barcelona can be cheap if you avoid the tourist traps right around the centre. I'd obviously recommend it and also Krakow which I just came back from and had a great time there. Also another vote to Munich being completely awesome. Top of my list of places I've not been to is Berlin.
  3. Who wouldn't want to sit in Pittodrie on a cold February night and watch Estonia?
  4. Going to be in Edinburgh for the weekend, visit a friend of mine and see some festival stuff. Looking forward to it.
  5. I guess Barca are trying to deal with the fact that both Puyol and Xavi are unable to play all the time now and the squad is a little light on cover.
  6. Apaprently Arsenal were waiting for the RVP deal to go through before finalising any Sahin move but things took longer than expected and Liverpool got in before them.
  7. Although I just read an RVP article on the guardian and hidden at the bottom it said Song is expected to complete his move to Barca this week.
  8. I don't know. There's a lot of talk on another forum I go to about it. Talking as if it's all but done, saying that I haven't seen any actual news about it. Not sure where the story's coming from.
  9. I don't know how this thread could ever stop.
  10. Looks like Song is off too. Could harm Arsenal as much if not more than losing RVP. Need to get someone in to replace him.
  11. Mom! Dad! Bart's dead! That's right, dead serious about going to Itchy and Scratchy land!
  12. all the vocals in that song are terrible
  13. and he's still a big twat just for scoring that goal
  14. There are five easter egg stages to a human's life: 1. Too young to eat chocolate so you don't get any. 2. Young and cute so loads of folk buy you easter eggs. 3. You're a little shit and people have stopped giving you eggs so you go round the shops the day after easter and buy some cheap for yourself. 4. Grown out of easter eggs, if you want chocolate you can have it whenever you like and in better forms than egg shaped. 5. Through your own choice or social pressure you start buying eggs for people you know in stage 2. By 21 you should at least be at number 4.
  15. I'm pretty sure when I first became aware of Jake on these boards he was scrounging around a wee council flat living below the poverty line. Where did this life of main presents and multiple easter eggs come from???
  16. Well why would yesterday be any different to the last 17 years?
  17. Although I generally agree with the views here I don't stay strict to them as there are some exception I find ok. For example I wont hear a bad word against Ivan Zamorano's 1+8
  18. Don't go crazy, remember his main presents are already sorted.
  19. But it does mean United won't sign him.
  20. George Michael was maybe the worst bit. His dancing was really cringe-worthy.
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